DALIM 4 - David Archuleta Live in Manila 4

My love and support for David Archuleta never died down even after almost 6 years...

My love and support for David Archuleta never died down even after almost 6 years. People say he's no longer famous and he has no new music so why support him still? But truth be told, it's never really about the fame. Because as cheesy and as cliche as this sounds, David's music has touched, inspired, and motivated me in ways that helped me surpass all those life circumstances and struggles I faced. In fact, I don't know why and how but amazingly, his music just keeps on being timely. 

It isn't a secret that I've went through a quarter life crisis last year. I was lost, confused and I was struggling. The thought still haunts me even up to this day, though it may not seem obvious. And then here comes David with his new album, Postcards in the Sky (Please listen to it on spotify!). I know that some might not like his new music, but I really really do love every single song in the album because the lyrics just hits me and David is making me feel that I am not alone and I am strong and God is always with me.

I AM SO PROUD OF DAVID FOR BEING BRAVE AND FOR BEING TRUE TO HIMSELF. Seeing him live 6 years ago and seeing him live again today, he's changed a lot and you can tell that his heart is no longer empty, that he's happier now, that he's believing in himself now and that he's sharing his story and that the passion is burning.

October 20, 2017 was indeed memorable! Guess who cried at the concert? *points at David 

This is long but I just really want to get my thoughts out. Both my 15 year old self and my 24 year old self is really, really happy and grateful right now.

(It was a family reunion!! We haven't seen each other for years!!!) 

Instagram Posts: one, two, three
Disclaimer: David Archuleta Live in Manila 4 happened last October 20, 2017. But I just want to still publish this here because I treasure the moment and I want to remember. I want to document and publish this first before I publish DALIM 5 sometime this week as well. :)

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  1. Molto carino, https://michelaenCuisine.blogspot.com

  2. I do not know this singer but it is very beautiful when the music inspires you so much helping you even in difficult moments.
    A hug from Italy :)

    My Tester Food

  3. Hi! It should be a fantastic experience.
    Have a nice day!

  4. How cool, I did not even know this artist and I really liked the sound he makes. Have a great day.

    Blog Paisagem de Janela

  5. Molto bello il tuo blog, ti seguo in facebook, twitter e instagram, mi farebbe piacere tu ricambiassi : lachicchina.blogspot.com Grazie, a presto!

  6. So cool you got to see him again:) I remember him from American Idol.

  7. Looks like a lovely event!

    Carina | https://carinazz.blogspot.com/

  8. i don't know him but i know how it feels when you're on concert your idol! awesome post and thank you for visiting my website!
    i'm following your web, hopefully you'll visit and follow mine :D (only if you liked it)

    have a good day/night!


  9. It sounds like you had a really nice time at the event Rae. I hope you are doing well!

  10. Hi
    It seems you have a lot of fun.


  11. Oh how fun! Love this!! Have a wonderful Monday, love!



  12. Amazing post!!!
    http://www.ludatischenko.com @luda.tischenko - instagram

  13. Music can do wonders for the soul, especially during periods in your life like those. I remember my own quarter life crises, and it wasn't fun. Music definitely helped me through a lot.

