DALIM 5 - David Archuleta & Friends Holiday Benefit Concert

Christmas came in a little early for us, Filipinos, as last November 16, 2018, David Archuleta did a holiday benefit concert at the New Frontier Theatre (Former Kia Theatre)!

But I want to start this post off with the airport shenanigans before I share what went through the holiday benefit concert because out of the 5 times that David Archuleta came here in the Philippines, last year was my very first time to join Team Airport! And i must say, it was really fun and definitely an experience! I got to see him super up close upon landing in my country, before his concert! I don't know why though but waiting for him to come out of the VIP lounge was more nerve-wracking than minutes before he appears on stage during his concerts! hahaha.

And seriously, he's getting gwapo-er and gwapo-er (more handsome and more handsome) every year!! 😍😍

He arrived on 11-13-2018.

Very shakey, very loud screams... "huy atras na mawawalan tayo ng picture!!" (hey, let's move back we might lost the photo opportunity with him!) Hahaha.

When you feel like it's been 6 years again since you last saw him... But come to think of it, it's been 10 years since I've been fangirling over him and yet I still have no selfie with him. Except for this super epic moment though. But still, a selfie is still a selfie. I hope by the moment I get to have a selfie with him we're not yet both grand parents. haha.

Also, it was so disappointing to see these "instant" fans. I mean, please don't come at him. Respect him please. We, fans, don't attack him no matter how much we want to go to him and hug him. But we respect him so we know how to behave. Kami nga gigil eh pero respeto naman kay David please. Wahehehe.

Anyway, here's a video of him arriving in the Philippines. :)

I made it (well, my forehead, eyes, and my nose) in his social media posts! hahaha. Here's his facebook post. Find me if you can:

But at the end of the year, I was so happy to see my face in his 2018 video. And I got a bit annoyed because my face is so visible in the photo in his video and I thought, he could have posted that one before instead. hahaha. But I'm grateful of course! hehe.

Anyway, he had a bunch of TV and radio guesting that I did not attend to due to work and responsibilities but a lot of my friends supported him! :)

And then the holiday benefit concert finally happened on November 16, 2018. David Archuleta is such a sweetheart! Definitely a very talented guy with a big heart! He gave back to the Philippines as ticket sales of this Christmas benefit concert will go to free surgeries and treatment for fellow Filipinos who are in need!! Every person who came helped raise money for so many surgeries provided by Mabuhay Deseret Foundation needed for impoverished Filipinos.

This is one of the reasons why I am a huge fan of this guy for 10 years now (going 11 years)! :"> Thank you so much, David Archuleta for doing this for the Philippines. We love you very much and I hope you keep on creating music and you keep on inspiring people! Continue doing you because we love you so much for who you are.

A David Archuleta concert is basically a reunion for us. We literally met each other because of him... years ago either on the internet or on the venues. We grew up together though lived our lives separately.

Catching up before (and after) the concert is what I enjoy the most!

The benefit concert was hosted by Dwayne Woolley and I forgot the name of the lady (I am so sorry. Please let me know if you know!).

First act was JBK (Joshua, Bryan, and Kim).
I've never really heard about them but I may or may not have landed on their X-Factor UK videos on youtube before this concert. Anyway, I think they have great vocals and their energy is fantastic that they really are a great act to open up the concert!

They did a really cool rendition of IV of Spade's Mundo. That was my favorite.

Next to perform was Mikee Misalucha. I love her voice! So soothing and calming, my type of style to listen to. Also, her original song Paalam really gave me the feels because.. well, just because. Let's just not dig in much deeper to that. lol. But I've heard the song before on spotify so hearing it live was spectacular.

Anton Antenorcruz was the last to perform before David so his last song just made me clap and yell my heart out because I was super excited to see David on stage! But I find his voice impressive. I just have high respect for singers who come from singing contests.

And then my love performed and serenaded us with Christmas songs! To be honest, for years I've been dreaming of hearing David Archuleta singing Christmas songs live and I've been dreaming of him including the Philippines in his Christmas Tour. And last year it happened! I was so happy!!

I mean, I used to dream of him singing a tagalog song and it happened.

I used to dream (though VERY IMPOSSIBLE) of me dancing ballet for him during one of his concerts. Didn't really happen that way but IT HAPPENED. He watched me dance ballet.

I dreamed of him doing a Christmas concert here in the PH and now it has happened.

I dream of having a selfie photo with him so I hope it will happen too. haha.

Anyway, here are two videos from the concert. I still have more but majority are just clips. I'd rather just keep them to myself for personal viewing. hehe.

I was actually seated in the 2nd row but during his encore, he made us stand up and a lot of the fans ran towards the stage. I wasn't seated near the aisle so I had no chance of running. I hopped on the chair though but my view wasn't nice anymore so I sat at the tip of the backrest of the chair in the front row instead. hahaha.

And then I finally kinda have a photo with David. hehe. 
Thanks, Wil! :)

It was a great concert of course! It was extra special this year because David did this for the Filipino people who were in need. He's such a sweetheart. I'll never get tired of loving and supporting him.

And then my Archie friends and I ate dinner after the concert (Thanks so much Marion for the treat!). Years ago, when we were so young, we couldn't afford restaurants (we ate at cheap fast foods / budget meals) and we saved up and did everything to afford our tickets (because we lived by our allowances). But we're working adults now haha. Also, back then, my parents would always fetch me and pick me up during David's concerts. But I'm an adult now and I can grab. haha.

INSTAGRAM POSTS: one, two, three

DALIM 2 - 2010
DALIM 3 - 2011
Nandito Ako Grand Fans Day - 2012
DALIM 4 - 2018

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  1. sounds like a great benefit concert!

  2. You had a great fun! I love concerts!


  3. wow! beautiful concert. such you had a fun!
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