Wearing my mum's dress ft. my belt

It's been a while since I last published an outfit photo here. I guess, micro blogging on Instagram and sharing an IG story are a lot easier to do than publishing a blog post. However, I still think that blogging is different than all of those and I miss it entirely. So here I am trying to blog as much as I can for this year as blogging gives me joy. I miss the days where I stay up late at night or wake up extra early to blog. I miss the days where I allot a planner for my blog alone and I schedule posts because I blog at least 3-4 times a week. I miss the days where Instagram isn't taking over our lives and youtube / vlogging isn't trending yet. I'll not say that blogging is dying. It's just that, Instagram is taking over my free time quite frankly because it's a lot easier to share and connect there. Nonetheless, I am reviving my little space here in the web.

So before I swoosh goodbye, here's an outfit I wore in one of my business club meetings. I wore my mum's dress which I think she'll be passing it on to me now since she doesn't wear it that much anymore. I then styled it with my own belt which is originally part of a red shorts I bought in Landmark. Then paired it up with this comfy flats I bought in H&M.

Hope you all are having a great week so far! 


Button Down Dress - my mom's
White Lace Flats - H&M
Denim Bag - Hand-me-down from my Aunt
Bracelet - from my bully best friend

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  1. Your mum's dress looks fantastic and yes, blogging is different - amazingly different!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. Your mum's pinstriped button down dress looks very fashionable styled with the red belt, white lace flats and denim bag. Great outfit!
    P.S.: I don't have an Instagram account so I am very happy that you do blog posts here :D


  3. Wow, I see you know so many people with and impecable fashion taste and very stylish. You put together a great outfit, congrats!

  4. The dress looks wonderful on you and by adding the red belt you have amped up the look!


  5. Yes I like IG for connecting with people but when it comes to creating content and reading content I prefer blogs and YT. You look super cute in this : )

    Allie of
