Artists Gallery (Formerly Artists Haven)

To situate myself in a creative place is something I am always fond of because inspiration and motivation is not always present in an artist-designer like me. And who knew that there's such a place in BF Homes Paranaque where you can dine and hang-out while in an art gallery?!

Definitely a place to check-out especially if you love art and you love good food because Artists Gallery is heaven! 

I'm originally a North girl but I super love the South that's why I make sure to visit as much cafes and establishments whenever I stay in the South. And last Saturday (July 7,2018), I met up with my South friends to chill and talk about business.

Artists Gallery (Formerly Artists Haven)


[Thank you so much to this bully for waiting for me! YOU ARE A VERY NICE BULLY. huhu]

As interior designers, my friends and I were so mesmerized with this 2-storey art gallery and cafe! The interior of the cafe is so eclectic and so quirky! It was really interesting and I love it.

Since we met up at around 3:00pm, we tried out their drinks and their Crispy Suman.

I forgot what my bully bes tried out (hahaha) but my other friend and I had Ice blended Tablea Chocolate (Php 160). It tasted okay. Then we all tried the Crispy Suman (Php 85) and that was really delicious!

The flooring's pattern is so bold and cool, making it perfect for flatlays! 


This is how the facade looks like. I'm not sure if you can actually enter in this door but we went inside the gallery from the cafe.

[I seriously swear I think I saw this painting before but I can't remember where or in what exhibit I saw it]

Artists Gallery has salmon pink walls with bricked columns and charming scalloped entryways and curved corners. The amazingly curated artworks being exhibited are actually so motivating that the next day after visiting, I was actually able to finish the painting that I've been neglecting for the longest time

Truth be told, I want to live there because you know, pink is my favorite color and I bet it's so nice to do art there. The place is just so lovely especially because when we visited, there were no other people around so we kind of like, had the place all to ourselves! Every corner is just so instagrammable!

I definitely want to go back and try out their meals! They have the most interesting names in the menu, I wonder how those taste like.

Anyway, they offer workshops and you can also rent the place for photo shoots and events.

If you want to submerge yourself with arts and good food, definitely check Artists Gallery out! You'll never regret it!

Artists Gallery

Address: 190 Aguirre Avenue, BF Homes,
Parañaque City

Opening Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10AM to 8PM

For dining reservations and menu offers, call:
(02) 825-8810

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  1. This is such an inspirational place - I love such mixtures - art and food, as I truly believe that food is art sometimes. I would love to hand out in a place like that. Also, everything looks great there. I also like mixtures of books and caffees - also very inspiring.

  2. What a gorgeous place to visit xoxo Cris

  3. You look super cute and lovely location:)

  4. It really is nice to hangout in a lovely and artistic place. Love that cafe, and the outside is perfect too. I love the living wall! You look beautiful, and I like your top!

    The Flower Duet

  5. Inspiration is everything! I love this place!

  6. What a cute place! So many fun details


  7. Great post dear!

    I'm new on your blog, hope you'll follow back! ❤

    Kisses, Chrissie❤

  8. This place looks amazing, what a great concept! Thank you so much for sharing hun xx

  9. Such a beautiful place! Love thiis article! You have a new follower! Greetings from Serbia! ♡

    Can you please follow my blog via GFC too? Thanks!

  10. This looks like a fun place to visit!

  11. It’s so pretty, sweetie! Definitely love to visit this cafe. xoxo

  12. Such a beautiful and cool place! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Rae, what an interesting place. I love art museums. I'm a north girl too, but the south seems to always have fun things to see and do. That is a cute table you are sitting at. The salmon pink walls are so cool. What a fantastic place to visit.


    ps.....thank you for stopping by and welcoming back. It's nice to be amongst sweet friends again. : )

  14. Cool place and nice pictures. The gallery looks great from outside.


  15. Adorei o post :D
    Esse espaço é muito giro :D
    Beijinho *

  16. Looks so cute and amazing! Love your photos!

    Vildana from Living Like V
