Ballerina on Fire: At the Backstage

In a place where the audience are forbidden to enter, the backstage is a darling witness to preparations of nights of performances meant to inspire and change you for the better.

Have you ever wondered of what I do at the backstage aside from all the preparations needed for the performance? Well, here you go dreamers... Here is a glimpse of it... I usually play around with my pointes on, walk around the entire backstage and give myself a tour, warm-up, and eat. I do these things to release the butterflies in my stomach.

FACT: I am always VERY, VERY NERVOUS every few minutes before I step on the stage. I bite my nails and do a series of nervous jumps because I seriously am nervous. But once my toes touch that flooring of the stage and the spotlights hit my skin, my nervousness magically disappears. I love that feeling. :)

Also, notice my hair? I just cut it short and dyed it black. okay. not really. haha! This post is a bit of a throwback because it has been ages since I last did a ballerina on fire post. I have lots of old photos when I was still performing on big theaters so I might as well share them to you... soon :))

This is me at the backstage during the SWAP Variety show two years ago.

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  1. so is interesting to see warm up photos and your smile suggests you're very happy! I'm also very happy whenever I dance (though I'm not a dancer, I just love dancing).

    Yesterday I saw a ballet teacher come outside the theater in her pointy ballet shoes to collect all of her young students (small girls) and it was such an adorable sight. The back entrance to Split city theatre is actually in a quite crowded often we see performers entering it...and the theatre itself is so lovely and dates back from 19th century.

    1. Hello Ivana! thank you so much! I think that dancing is special that way. it makes people happy :) Also, thank you so much for sharing your experience with me! I really am grateful for that. it's amazing to know that theaters are pretty much alive from where you are from compared to my country... (sadly). I checked out the theater link you gave and oh my my! it's wonderful! Will you please take some photos of the Split City Theatre if ever you're along the area and you have some free time? Hope you can blog about it. hehe =D

  2. OMG, you are amazing girl.. Such sharp pints..
    Cannt believe you get that nervous
    I am inviting you to enter my 50 euro Divissima giveaway
    Keep in touch

  3. omgosh! you're AMAZING!!!! so talented!

  4. been forever since I had to deal with stage-freight

  5. Oh dear, I would chicken out if I had to go on stage for a performance..and probably throw up :D You're so brave!

  6. Wow, the poses look so easy-to-do, but I bet they´re not. I can´t believe that you´re nervous, you look so confident in it. :)
    Thanks for your comment.
    Fashion Happenss

    1. Hello dear. I had years of training to make it look as if they're easy as 1,2,3! :)))) Also, every time I perform, I always tell myself that I must not let the audience know that I am in dire pain... I usually have cramps in the middle of a performance. :( It's either because I didn't warm up properly or because my pointe shoes is really old and I must replace it. :-\ Anyway, it's a "beautiful tragedy" and i love it. haha! :D

  7. wow very nice ♥ i start following you by bloglovin xx

  8. wow, I never thought you actually get nervous : )
    Great poses I do know quite a few ballet steps from reading a manga called "Swan", and it reminded me of you!


    1. Hi ate M! :) sweet sweet words :"D I'm curious about this "Swan" manga. :)))

  9. Raellarina, these are some great pictures of you on point, you are very strong and graceful at the same time ... beautiful :)

    1. thank you so much Launna! :) your words made my night ^^)

  10. Very Nice! It's so follow your dreams and i like that. I like your personal article.
    Greetz from Holland
    Xoxo Daniƫlle

  11. Have an amazing day and end of weekend. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  12. What a big beautiful smile! I love that orange blouse! I love the photos of you warming up for your performance - all the warm-ups, stretching and backstage tours sound like an excellent way to get yourself prepared physically and mentally. Your talent and grace shows even in the warm-up photos.

  13. :) in this post from April last year there is one photo of me holding the opera tickets (it is the second photo) in front of the theatre...but you gave me a good idea and when I manage to take photos of it, I'll make a post.

  14. Wow! How I wish I became a ballerina, too! Galing! :)

    Style Reader
