Marie Antoinette Illustration

A few weeks ago, I watched Marie Antoinette for the nth time! Truth be told, I don't get tired from watching the stated film. I started adoring Marie Antoinette during our art history class and I am just so amazed! In all honesty, it was King Louis XIV whom I adored and fantasized about (haha!) because he founded ballet! But as time goes by, I started appreciating the other royalties, including, the ever so fabulous Marie Antoinette. :">

I just loooooooooove her so much! I mean, almost all girls who loves French History or Art History, loves her; adores her; wants to be like her ----me included. And so, while watching the movie, I was working on this illustration too! I was multi-tasking. ehe~

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  1. Omg, what a beautiful drawing :D


  2. and what a lovely illustration it has turned out to be! for me it was really interesting to find out more about Marie Antoinette...I've read about her and saw one documentary about her where they explained how she was very lonely at the court.

    1. hello! thank you very much! :") Marie Antoinette is such a darling even if she felt a bit lonely (i think). I guess it's because she got married to King Louis XVI at a very young age and not to mention that it was arranged. Also, I guess it's because she was originally from Austria and not from France and I think these things affected her emotionally? I don't know. hehe. But I still love her so much despite all the deficits. She's only human, right? :))) anyway, may i know about this documentary? can you remember the title? I am very curious! :D

    2. oh, I wish I could remember the title, but it was on TV so I didn't paid much attention...if it helps they also talked about French revolution and about how the initiators of the revolution tried to make her look much more spoiled than she really was and ever made false bills so it looks like she was spending more money than she actually was. It may sound silly to us now, but for the revolution to start such little details were important. Nothing is ever black and white, I think that was the message of that documentary. I do agree that she was probably lonely because she was married at such a young age....and watching that documentary made me really feel bad for her and understand how misrepresented in history someone can be. I think she was probably just a sweet person caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.

  3. Nice drawing :)

  4. woww.. you're so talented! I've never watched that movie.. what's the name?

    Maybe you have time to read my new post: What to wear with PALAZZO PANTS


    1. hi! thank you so much Akanksha! The movie is "Marie Antoinette" starring Kirsten Dunst. :) It was directed by Sofia Coppola and it's a 2006 film. Perhaps this could help: and here is the trailer: hope you'll enjoy the film as much as I do! :))

  5. this is gorgeous!!

  6. I also LOVE Marie Antoinette!!! It was amazing when I was in Paris to learn even more of the history - as obvioulsy the movie isn't all correct. It's an amazing film and a fabulous story xxxxxx

    1. Hello Jade! I'm so jealous 'cause you went to Paris! :( haha. but anyway, I agree with you! We watched a documentary about her and France and all the Louis-es in the royalty. hehe. The movie only showed Marie Antoinette's "nice side" and they did not really show Marie Antoinette losing her morals. They made her so lovable. Truth be told, I was kind of expecting her being executed and beheaded by the end of the movie but nothing. :( But still, I love Marie Antoinette as a person (which is weird because we really haven't met, you know what I mean? haha!) and the movie is still wonderful. :))

  7. Dear Rae,

    Many thanks for recently stopping by my page (Chinwags and Tittle-Tattles) and commenting. I love your illustration and will surely be checking them out as I now follow you on Bloglovin.

    Have a lovely weekend :)


    1. thank you also for stopping by here and following my ever so pink and humble blog. have fun having adventures with me! hope you'll enjoy my fairy tale. teehee~

  8. Dear Rae,

    Many thanks for recently stopping by my page (Chinwags and Tittle-Tattles) and commenting. I love your illustration and will surely be checking them out as I now follow you on Bloglovin.

    Have a lovely weekend :)


  9. I wouldn't say that I want to be Marie Antoinette--- after all, she was beheaded!--- But I totally appreciate your historic royals fascination! And your depiction is great!

    1. haha! i understand. i don't like that she was beheaded either but my fascination towards Marie Antoinette is more on the extravagant lifestyle. :) Anyway, thank you so much dear! I'm glad you find my illustration interesting. :D have a happy week!~

  10. Lovely drawing, you are absolutely talented, you could draw and you're a great ballerina, maybe you have more talents hidden :)


    1. thank you so much M! <3 I'm just making the most of what I am capable of. hehe. Have a blessed week! :)

  11. I do not know who she is but based on your piece, she must be wonderful for having cotton candy haur! :D Hi Rae! :3

    www.pastel.... Oh you know my blog. Hahaha. :)))

  12. Which Marie Antoinette movie did you watch? Was it the Sophia Coppola one with Kirstin Dunst?

    1. hello Pau! yesyes. the Sophia Coppola one with Kirsten Dunst :))) You've seen it too?~
