A Trip to Wilcon Depot

Last May 13, 2014, a day before our summer classes ended, the Thomasian Interior Design Senior students visited Wilcon Depot and I must say, it was such a blast and it was definitely one inspiring trip!

Talks (Seminars) + Free food + Wilcon Tour + Freebies!

WARNING: Heavy photos awaits you after the cut. So the photos will probably do much of the talking.

We were given food to snack on upon arrival at Wilcon. Yay, right?! Then the talks were all very informative and inspiring since the suppliers of Wilcon (e.g. Philips, Davies, & so much more!) did the talks. Then before going down to the store for the tour, they handed us a huge Wilcon Tote bag filled with brochures, samples, and freebies! Thank you so much Wilcon!~

I need the pink lavatory. Seriously. :))))

Wilcon Depot is like paradise.~

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  1. I admire your versatility(all these different things) and your fun spirit!


    1. awww. thank you so much! <3 Have a great week ahead!~

  2. Wow, this must have been really interesting!

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