Little Forest Girl

"There's a point in my life wherein I dreamed of nothing but escape my problematic world. So I ended up in this beautiful forest... I'm still visiting it every once in a while though."

Hello magical creatures! Here's another watercolor painting I've done last 2 weeks when I was sick! haha. Seriously, I was sick. I can't understand myself either why I like to paint when I'm not feeling well then regret doing it after.

Anyway, I went to the Bloom Arts Festival last Saturday and it was heaven! I have so many backlogs so I can't blog about it just yet but I seriously can't wait to tell you all about it!

Like my page on facebook dears? yes? thank youuu! I just made it. haha! :D

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  1. You have a great blog!
    I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other?

    I follow you (Gloria Pepe 485)!

  2. It's beautiful...I love the atmosphere..I think it's great to have a place like that, we all need one to run to when life gets hard :) Very beautiful work & I shall check out your facebook page too & say hi :) x

    1. Thank you so much dear! your beautiful words for my painting is very touching. Thank you! :))

  3. love the pics ><


  4. This is an amazing illustration, you have talent seriously!

  5. Nice artwork even if you are sick..:) you cannot stop the creative mind..

    1. hihi. Thank you! yes, i guess so. I just have to put on paper my thoughts and dreams every time i feel like doing it. :"""D
