Trend Alert: Colorful Shoes and Color Block Swimwear


Living in a "forever summer" country, the trends in footwear and swimwear just keeps on popping here and there. Recently, the trend for colorful sandals or footwear has been taking over my Instagram feed. Of course this heightens during the 9.9 sale or 8.8 sale or 11.11 sale or whatever double number date sale that constantly happens here in the Philippines every month since the lockdown happened last year, 2020. Although I am trying to cut down my growing number of clothes and shoes because I badly need closet space, there are a few pairs of colorful trendy shoes that I want. I am still having a want vs. practicality argument with myself that's why I haven't checked out my carts (yes, with an "s" because there are a bunch of shops I've looked at) yet.

Anyway, I am about to check-out really, I'm just cleaning my room first and doing a bit of decluttering to make way for new pieces. hehe. *doubtful laugh*

To give you an idea of what pairs of shoes I am talking about, here are a few pairs I saw from wholesale shoes that I might actually get. Yes, now I'm thinking of purchasing from overseas! Putting them here so I can decide after a few good night sleep (plus I just really want to share them to you guys)!

This pair is so vibrant and chunky it's so gorgeous! I don't like wearing open-toes but I really want this pair. I'm quite tall here in the Philippines so wearing heels sometimes is quite a burden for me but if I wear this when my brothers are around, I'll still be short! hehe.

I've been seeing a lot of square toe pairs these days and I am curious! I haven't acquired a pair yet so I wonder how it feels like wearing one.

Wait. Whaaaat?! Are you kidding me?! Chunky plus strappy? Ahhhh. A MUST HAVE! This pair screams raellarina! ;")

Love the mint color!

Barbie shoes! This is so cute! It's also available in green, black, and white!

For the longest time, I've been wanting to buy a pair of sandals in this style because I think it's so convenient in a hot, tropical weather.

This is the last pair I'm sharing. This is available in different colors such as khaki, sky blue, and yellow. It's tsinelas (slippers) but make it fashion!

These shoes are all so gorgeous! My only issue is I'm a size 9 - 10 (39-40) and while browsing in the shop, I noticed that they carry Asian sizes, meaning, the sizes available are small. The biggest available size I've seen so far is 38. Anyhow, I enjoyed browsing their shop! If your feet is smaller than mine, then you're good to shop 'til you drop!

Because of the pandemic, it's been so long since I last went to the beach or since I last went to a swimming trip. However, I've been browsing swimsuits online from time to time. I've noticed that there are a lot of new and beautiful styles of color block wholesale swimwear so I'm sharing here for future reference or for your inspo:

You can check-out Wholesale 7 via their Website, Instagram, Youtube Channel, and Facebook Page.

I hope you guys are all safe and healthy during this time! 

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored article. I was compensated to write and publish but as per usual, all thoughts and opinions are mine. The original photo source for the cover photo is this.

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