The Results Are In! This Is The Most Popular Hair Transplant Procedure
The first hair transplant surgery was conducted in 1952 by Dr. Norman Orentreich. Orentreich performed the procedure by taking a series of four-millimeter grafts from his patient’s donor site and implanting them in their receiver site. The surgery was hailed as a great step forward for the medical industry. However, its results weren’t exactly flawless. Given the size of the grafts, the hair implants were clearly noticeable among the patient’s natural hair. This was a recurring theme in hair transplants throughout the second half of the 20th century. Thankfully, hair transplants have come a long way since 1952. Today, there are countless procedures available, all offering natural results. But which procedure is the most popular? More importantly, does its popularity mean it is right for you? Read on to find out.
Follicular Unit Extraction
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the most popular method of hair transplantation in the world. A relatively new procedure, it replaced follicular unit transplantation (FUT) as the leading hair restoration surgery. And let’s be glad it did. FUT involves the removal of actual hair-bearing skin from the patient’s head. Needless to say, it’s pretty gory and can be difficult to recover from. FUT is still available today, but we advise anybody considering it to seriously research the procedure so they know exactly what they’re in for.
Anyway, back to FUE. Prior to the FUE procedure, the surgeon examines the patient’s head to establish a donor site. Follicles are extracted from this donor using a small tool of about 1 millimeter in diameter. Extractions are made individually and usually total somewhere between 2000 and 6000 hairs. After the follicles have been treated to ensure their longevity, a series of small incisions are made on the receiver site. The extracted follicular units are then implanted into these incisions one by one. Implanting follicular units individually allows the surgeon to control the position of each hair. This ensures a natural look that simply was not possible with prior hair implant procedures.
FUE Costs
As a result of its popularity and effectiveness, FUE is among the most expensive methods of hair transplantation there is. Prices vary from country to country, but you’ll probably find yourself paying upwards of $5000 for FUE treatment anywhere in the Western world. estimates the average Western hair restoration clinic charges close to $15,000 for FUE treatment. However, it is indeed possible to secure follicular unit extraction for less than that. All you have to do is join the thousands of medical tourists who travel to Turkey every year. In Turkey, a hair transplant can be obtained for less than $5000, but will be just as effective as a hair transplant in a Western country. This low cost comes as a result of the sheer volume of hair restoration clinics in Turkey. With hundreds of rivals to compete with, the nation’s hair restoration clinics are forced to offer affordable rates, despite the expertise of their staff. Additional information on booking a hair transplant in Turkey can be found here.
Very interesting!