My Biggest Achievements in my 20 Years of Existence

Before I turn 21 in four days, I want to reflect on how amazing my life is in my 20 years of existence. Despite all the struggles, difficulties, and circumstances, and all the sadness and failures I had experienced (and will experience), I believe that my life is such an interesting one and I feel so blessed and happy about everything.

And to that, I just want to list down my biggest achievements so far not to brag about my awesome self but to inspire others since my life is not perfect and I have faced a lot. In my 20 years of living, I have realized that the only way to be happy in your life is not to have everything and not to get everything you want but to see the beauty in every single thing you have and be grateful for it. 

Here is the list of my biggest achievements:
1. Consistent Top Student since Kinder 1.
2. I have performed in more than 10 Ballet Recitals at different theaters in the Philippines and have performed in more than 15 organization and school events.
3. At a young age of 6, my artworks were displayed in an exhibit at the MSU-IIT, Iligan City.
4. Distinction Awardee of the Australian Conservatoire of ballet (twice).
5. I was given a special award in the Australian Conservatoire of Ballet.
6. I was awarded with a gold medal for Performing Arts- Ballet.
7. I was awarded with Artistic Excellence in Classical Ballet.
8. I was recognized and awarded in different art contests, poetry-writing contest, essay-writing contests, declamation speaking contest, dance contests, and other talent contests.
9. Won 1st runner-up in the Ola Bayle 8 Competition (Two Dance Standard, Waltz & Tango. Category) just recently.
10. I was the "real ballerina" and model of Trishie Couture at its Grand Launch.
11. I was a praise and fashion model in an event of the YFC-UST.
12. I got the "Sports and Health Editor" position when I first applied at my school newspaper in high school then I finally got my dream position, the "Features Editor" the following year.
13. I auditioned for a part in Annie & Oliver Musical play but I didn't get cast. When I went to my ballet class, I found out that we were part of the play! :)
14. I danced ballet in front of David Archuleta during his grand fans day.
15. I danced ballet in front of Michael Christian Martinez during his fans day.
16. Being recognized by people I know and people I don't know as a "ballerina.
17.  Graduated elementary and high school with flying colors.
18. Being entrusted to share the love of the Lord to not just the College of Fine Arts and Design but also to the College of Architecture. I am the Senior Sister of YFC-UST Beato (CFAD and Arki) for SY 2014-2015.
19.  Being invited to different events and meeting amazing people including designers and artists.
20. Getting a 1.00 grade in different subjects every year since I entered college. ^^)
21. Having so many friends who appreciate me and accept me as who I am.
22. Selling my artworks. I have always dreamed of selling my artworks and I really wanted to make a living by selling art. I don't actually make a living out of my art but the profit I get helps me in my study.
23. Being an inspiration.

I can actually go on and on until next month but i won't. The point is, when other people pull you down and step on you, don't get affected. List down your achievements too (or make a post like this, even better) and every time someone pull you down or step on you, or make you feel like you are too young to be an inspiration, just read your list and you'll surely be lifted up. Yep, I am excited to turn 21 and add another chapter in my fairytale life. :")) Inspire others, be inspired, and be grateful for it. Keep on dreaming dreamers! :">

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  1. then happy early birthday! ♥

  2. You have a very impressive résumé! Have a very happy birthday in four days on July 28th!!! I hope your birthday wishes come true!

    1. hello! thank you! <3 haha. actually, it's on the 29th. this post was supposed to be published on the 25th but i don't know what happened so there was a confusion. hihi. :3 Thank you very very much! :"D

  3. those are quite the accomplishments, I didn't have that much pride at 20

  4. Happy Birthday Raellarina... 21 is a great year♡

    You have some amazing accomplishments for such a young age♡

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful!!! ^_^
    Lemme add your 24th: being a great blogger friend. I hope you have a wonderful day! If you're looking to pig out, try Vikings (SM MOA might be closer to you). You get in for FREE if accompanied by a full paying adult friend :P heehee

  6. Happy birthday & you seem to have achieved so much & followed you via
    GFC & Bloglovin. Please follow me back!


  7. Well, happy birthday!
    And: I love this list - you have achieved so much already! You go girl!


  8. Congrats on all of your achievements!!! And happy early birthday!!

    Style and Paper

  9. Happy Birthday!!! So happy for all your accomplishments so far -- I'm sure there will be more in the years to come! <3

  10. Happy birthday! quite an impressive accomplishment you for sure are an insipation to many.

    Thank you for the visit :)


  11. You have such amazing achievements! Happy birthday!


  12. Hello lovely, thank you for the wonderful comment on my blog, I really appreciate it! :)

    Great post, and Happy Birthday!! :):)

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  13. aww this is a such an inpring post and you're a natural born winner <3 Happy Birthday.

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  14. Amazing! Have fun on your very special day. Happy birthday in advance. :)

  15. Fantastic!
    Kisses from ¡Feliz sábado!

  16. great post

  17. Happy birthday dear! I remember when I was 21, those were good times:) This list was really interesting to read...and I agree with what you wrote, we need to remind ourselves of the things that we have done right, not just focus on the negative (that we all sometimes do).

  18. Happy Birthday, 21 was such a fun age, enjoy it :) love your positive attitude!

  19. I love this post! Absolutely spot on and very fitting to my current mindset too. The beauty is only there if you see it!
