The 5 Chapters of my Fairy tale life
I go to school everyday to...
Go Tambay at the YFC Org. room :">
seriously, this is one of the reasons why i wake up early, attend class and wait 'til it's dismissal. walk for 20-30 minutes from Beato to Tan Yan Kee (Espanya to Dapitan/Lacson) and if the sun isn't showing off its hotness while we're enjoying staring at the football players in the field. *wink*
i'm not sure why but honestly, whenever i'm with my YFC Family, i feel blessed, loved and i feel special. i feel God's love whenever i'm with them. awwww. A thousand words just can't explain what i'm feeling. know what i mean? :)) i can be this weird noisy crazy emo jellyfish and still be loved by them. =)
This completes my fairy tale life. =) At least 5 Chapters should be dedicated to my YFC fam. (you know, when my life is written into a fairy tale. haha).
All for God! :)))