
Redolence | A Hand painted chair by Rae Abigael Caacbay

Ladies and Gents, presenting...

A hand painted chair by Rae Abigael Caacbay

This was actually my last masterpiece before I landed my first job after college. I barely had time to paint even on watercolor paper because I was caught up with work and also, I'm always so tired everyday after work.So in a span of 6 months, I hadn't really laid my hands on any watercolor paint and brushes (excluding the wall mural I painted in my room closet).

Before and After photos of the hand painted chair

I had a great time working on this because I like personalizing my stuff. I like turning ordinary things into unique and special pieces such as this old wood chair my family has. Since we moved in at our ancestral house, this chair was just accumulating dust. So I asked my parents if I could paint it and they gave me their permission to do so. Thus, this hand painted chair was born! :)

I first painted the wooden chair white. I used Boysen paint in doing this. I did two coats.

Then I painted the details...

And here is the finished hand painted chair! :)

redolent (redo·lent). adj. someone or something that bring back strong memories or a strong association.

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  1. Rae what a wonderful job you did on the car... you are highly talented ♡ xox

  2. what a cool chair! love it!

  3. the chair looks a million times better

  4. What an amazing transformation! It looks wonderful!

  5. hello dear . I like your blogstyle ! its very creative and maybe you like mine too!
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  6. that chair looks so nice and inspriational, love it :)

  7. How gorgeous and unique! Thanks for sharing!
    Fashion Soup

  8. Such an amazing transformation! x

  9. Love how unique this is! So cute and truly one of a kind! Thanks for sharing!
    xx Annie
