UST BlogCon 2014: Rising Above the Ordinary

UST Blogcon, October 11, 2014, Beato Angelico AVR, UST

Better late than never! Here are some snapshots from the UST Blogcon 2014. The blogcon was held on a Saturday and unfortunately, I had classes. Luckily though, it was held in my building so I was able to sneak-in during breaks. It was my first time to attend this annual gathering of bloggers which my University hosts, and I only found out about this because Ate Kisty is one of the speakers. I totally missed the morning sesh a.k.a. where most of my favorite bloggers will talk namely, Kisty Mea, Abbey Sy, and Arriane Serafico. My classes ended at lunch so by then, I met ate Kisty who was in the middle of a photo op with her readers. We also took selfies (I don't have a copy of our photos though). After that, we ate lunch and I gave her a little tour of the University of Santo Tomas. I'm a big fan of hers and I met her 3 years ago when she was still a red head. She is so nice and I'm happy to get to know her more that day. :) After lunch, she had to go somewhere so I went back to the blogcon. I then heard Ate Reese's talk and I became a bigger fan after that. haha. She's also very nice and friendly and she even gave me a hug and she liked my hair because it reminded her of Merida (Brave). hahaha.

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  1. nice post!

  2. Rae, I'm so glad you had such a great time... I wish we had things like that in Canada... it would be so fun to meet some bloggers I follow xox

  3. I love your selfies with Kisty and the photo of you with Reese from the UST Blogcon. It looks like a happy and fun time.

  4. i love this

    new post:

  5. Wow! Love the fun-filled event, dear! xoxo

  6. OMG! It's Ramon Bautista! Ang galing that you have this.
