
Bloom Arts Festival 2 (part 1)

MISSION: "Bloom Arts Festival is a dream of like minded artists to see all of the creatives they admire in one massive event of simultaneous exhibits and infinite inspiration. It is also the dream of these artists to share this exposure to the "blooming" artists. With the coming together of the established and the emerging, we celebrate and experience art and culture in the Philippines like never before." - Bloom Arts Festival

11 months after this amazing event happened and I'm finally blogging about it. I know, I know. I cannot hide the fact that this happened last year because I can feel that Bloom Arts Festival 3 is about to happen anytime soon (probably on November just like last year? *fingers crossed*). I can vividly remember how I tried my very best to make everything work just so I can go to this art festival and oh boy, I'm glad I did! I enjoyed Bloom Arts Festival 1 a lot with my mom and right now, I can't even hide how I had the most wonderful time ever with my friends for last year's festival!

Live Art. Freakin' awesome! I can't even deal with the odor of the spray paints but what the heck. This was one awesome (and huge) live art!

Actually, this was the first thing we saw upon entering The Collective in Makati City during the festival. I was mesmerized as if I was entering art heaven. :)

Hello to one of my favorite shops at the festival. Artwork!!

You can actually silk screen your own tee at their booth. I've always wanted to silk screen my own tee with my own designs, and probably my own illustrations or paintings. I mean, I want to literally wear my art! :) And I did not go the Bloom Arts Festival to silk screen. lol. I've learned the process of silk screening when I was studying photoshop. heh. All i need is some free time to actually do it. So anyway, I ended up watching them instead. :-)

Street Art. I enjoyed walking in this artsy narrow lane (eskinita). I seriously can imagine myself living in a place like this. Art world!!

I guess my late cousin would have liked this shop. He's into playing ukulele (i just recently found out).

The designs were fantastic! I even saw a "Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh inspired ukulele". I could have bought it if I know how to play it. haha!

I wish Manila (no, wait. The Philippines) has this artistic vibe. I mean, I've always dreamed of walking down the street with people playing instruments, doing art, etc. But I guess we're getting there!! I always see a group of high school boy students jamming at random places. plus those karaoke in every street. close enough. :))

An artwork about pork barrel. I saw the finished art here.

 Night life. Music + Art + Drinking. Not really my kind of scene but I love the music and the art.


"I can live here."
I kept saying this to my friends because I seriously swear I felt as if I was in art heaven. I can imagine myself living in this kind of city --- waking up in the morning hearing music, walking in a street as beautiful as this with super cool shops plus all the artists in one city! Oh the beauty! <3

Part 1 is more on the location of the festival. Part 2 (coming soon) will be about the art pieces.! :-)

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  1. Pretty awesome ... I think if this is something you would like to wake up to... you should consider moving :)

    My oldest daughter always wanted to live in New York with all their hustle and bustle... she ended up marrying Paul but she does live fairly close to Chicago, so she still gets the big city atmosphere :)

    1. I would really move if a city like this exist here in my country. :( Apparently, this place is just a commercial space. sad life. :\ Anyway, I've always wanted to visit New York too and perhaps fulfill my ballet dreams! hehe

  2. It looks really interesting!

  3. It looks amazing there, so cool that you could silk screen your own tee!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  4. thats a really cool setup , i loved the wall art
    Keep in touch

  5. I'm not aware of this event! When is this happening again? I'd love to go, and meet you there as well, maybe?

    Life With Antlers // A Personal Blog

    1. Hello! Wala pang specific date eh pero keep on checking bloom art's fb page I always do. :") And yes, sana makapunta ka din so we could meet there. :-)

  6. cool photos of the art festival

  7. Seems like a great atmosphere there...I can totally see you living there!


  8. looks so fun huhu i want to experience it

  9. Sounds like an amazing festival, so creative!
    Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???

  10. This looks so fun! I love the wall with all the guitars!

  11. that looks awesome! ♥

  12. Such cool art work! and talented talaga n Pinoy :)

  13. amazing! i love art too, and it feels like a heaven place!

  14. Wauw amazing!!


  15. Amazing <3

    See Our New Post.....

  16. yay! sana maka experience din ako ng art festival dito sa CDO. kakainggit! hehe :)

    1. wala bang something like this jan? awwww. actually, alam mo ba, when i was a kid, i took some art classes in Iligan City. I guess I was 6 years old nun. haha! So wala lang, may art memories lang ako jan. hihi :3

  17. The diversity, depth and talent that was on display at the Bloom Arts Festival looks very impressive. I can see that there was a lot to take in. Perhaps you will have your own lovely artwork on display in some future festivals. Great photos!

    1. awww. thank you very much! indeed there was a lot to take in and i'm so glad that my friends and i took all the time to go around and see a lot though not everything. I really am dreaming of having my works exhibited someday. :)) Have a nice day!~

  18. So much creativity on display here. I would have loved to be there!

  19. Great post! really interesting!
