Hours of Darkness

On Cinderella’s curfew which is at 12 midnight, my day begins. Messed up body clock I may have, my day is as magical as a girl can imagine. At least that’s what I feel even if I am sleep deprived. The beauty the world offers after the sun hides itself is often taken for granted and often unappreciated.

Just a piece of advice, please do yourself a favor and go out, stare at the moon, take a deep breath and explore the beauty of the darkness once in a while. :)

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  1. RaeAbigael... the evening is an amazing way to view a full moon and the stars ... especially a clear summer night sky ;-)

  2. I'm in a winter storm right now. The clouds have been so grey that it's been hard to see the moon. I'm just hoping the power doesn't go out.

  3. love the photos!! x

    Visit my blog? xx Miss Beatrix (http://missbeatrix.blogspot.com)

  4. I love going out at night in big cities, at that hour when everything is deserted. It's absolute magic.

  5. I love midnights! one of the best things to do is look at the moon! also joyriding is such a fun looking at all of the lights in the city :)

