Chasing the sunrise around the world

I’ve always been fascinated with Japan’s school uniform. It’s so cute! How I wish we have the same here in the Philippines. Anyway, since the second semester of school is about to start, I played dress-up. Heh~

I frequently wear my school uniform like this, minus the checkered skirt, long-sleeves polo and bow tie. Luckily, fine arts students in UST is somehow allowed to pretty much do whatever they want with their school uniform unlike other colleges so woohoo! I might do a blog post about this soon. :”)

People perceive artists and designers differently. Like, we have a world of our own. But I reckon that’s just how we are separated from the ordinary mortals. We see the world differently. We do things our way. Hence, we beautify the world. We make it more interesting because people never know what to expect from us. :D

WEARING: Thrifted skirt | White polo and bow tie from my brothers’ closets | Small shop flats and knitted beret| bangles from Trishie of your fashion architect| DIY hello kitty ring| Mustache connector ring from a blogger’s closet sale

I’ll chase the sunrise around the world soon. I will travel to explore the wonders of art, Interior design, architecture and culture of the different places of the world. Paris, Rome, London, Greece, Japan, Germany, and the whole Europe top my list! :D

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  1. aw very cute outfit, I really like the skirt <3 Its remind when I was in

  2. Really cute and playful outfit :) Well in Poland in art schools
    students also are allowed to wear and look how they want :)
    I think that's cool that they let them to express themselves ^^

    1. agreed! art students need to express themselves! hehe :)
      thanks pretty!~

  3. Such a cute skirt, dear! Adorable look!

  4. You look so so cute. Love this outfit, the skirt is adorable. :)

    keep in touch,

  5. i love japanese school uniform too! lovely skirt :)

  6. Japanese high school uniform is what instantly came to my mind when I saw this post! you look so cute<3
    traveling to cities with different cultures sounds really great, good luck with that!!!^-^

  7. Lovely outfit ! You are adorable :)

  8. the skirt is really cute!! :)
