Thrifted Classy Jumpsuit

I've already posted this on my Instagram account but since I was on hiatus here for like a year, I'll try to post past outfits from time to time. So here's an outfit from the not-super-archive. This jumpsuit is very classy and I can't believe that I've thrifted this... well, more like an Instagram Thrift Shop "mined" item. This jumpsuit is so classy and doesn't look ukay at all. It's so versatile because it's perfect for either casual wear, for meetings, or for formal events. This is definitely a gem I found on the internet. :)

Also, not sure if I already shared this here but I am trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle. I don't practice a total zero-waste lifestyle but I care for the environment so I try to be sustainable even if in little ways lang. I've been shopping at thrift stores since college, or probably a little earlier than that and a huge percentage of my closet are thrifted and hand-me-downs. Honestly, I love second hand items especially in books because it's nice to know that one time, someone was so happy with that item and each item has a story which I will never know. Also, second hand items are more sustainable so I try not to purchase as much as I used to before in fast fashion brands.

Anyway, thanks for dropping by.

Have a blessed Holy Week and Stay safe! :)


Jumpsuit - Segunda Thrift
Handbag - Salvatore Ferragamo (Hand-me-down from my Aunt)
Socks - Bazaar
Chunky Dad Shoes - Rubi Shoes

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  1. OMG it looks so good on you! I love love it <3 And it's so beautifully styled with those sneakers <3

    Blog // Instagram // Facebook // Bloglovin’ // Youtube

  2. This jumpsuit is a beautiful find! It looks fab on you!

  3. Hi
    The jumpsuit is very cool (on you), not classy!!

  4. I love your look! So perfect!

    kisses ;*

  5. What a gorgeous jumpsuit! You wear it so well.

  6. Love, love this jumpsuit! It's such a great find!

    Life is a Shoe

  7. What a great idea and you are very good!
    Hi, would you like to follow each other?
