Instagram Round-Up: October 2017

Of stairs and ankle boots (OOTD) // World ballet day (This is me in Boracay) // Tired pero laban lang (painting) // Hair selfie // Throwback Beach photo // The yin is in the yang's IG feed // patiently waiting for David Archuleta // Follow your heart and intuition // I'm gonna see him tomorrow night after almost 6 long years!!! // My long speech on why my love and support for David Archuleta never died down (plus more photos) // videos of David's first song and my reactions // My concert ticket, ID, and sign during the concert // Rizal Park photos

This year is seriously passing by so fast. I guess that's really how it goes when you're seeing the value of life more and you're living in the moment and you're not trying to prove someone that you're worth something.

October 2017 for me was wonderful! Though I've been grinding and working hard, I've been chasing and living my life as well. My much needed relaxation and vacation happened! My Japanese cousin arrived in the Philippines, same day that David Archuleta arrived. haha. And I kind of explored the Philippines with them. I went to Anilao, Batangas and snorkeled. I had so much fun swimming with the fishes! I went to Tagaytay, rode the Vikings (and I will never ever ride again) in Skyranch, and I experienced Fish Spa at Manila Ocean Park! I also explored Luneta (Rizal Park) and took a lot of photos. I used to live near Luneta, like 10-15 minutes walk, but we somehow never took photos there. haha. How ironic. I slept over at my Aunt's place too which is a lot of fun (I "live" there for a few months last year).

I also went back to my dear alma mater with my brothers and we met out former teachers after 7 years! I had so much memories because I spent about 12 years of my life there!

I also had a bunch of family time this month! We had movie nights and dinner outs (is this right? lol). A new mall near our house opened so we went there as well. And I highly appreciate the free shuttle! ;)

I met up and hanged out with a few long-time friends and I definitely enjoyed that! I also had a photoshoot so watch out for amazing photos here on the blog.

To top this month of, I think the main highlight of my October was... drum roll please..

SEEING DAVID ARCHULETA LIVE AGAIN AFTER ALMOST 6 LONG YEARS! If you're curious, I wrote down why I love David even after all these years here. I'll do a separate post on this so I'll keep my thoughts short for now. haha.

So yaaas. That's it you guys! I had a lot of fun in October and I'm eternally grateful for that. Now we're on the second to the last month of 2017 and let's just live the moment!

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  1. Thanks a lot :D

    OMG you have amazing recaps my friend :D loved it!
    I'm new follower on insta :D Keep it up!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

    1. Thank you, Miguel! <3 I followed you back on IG by the way. :)

  2. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  3. Such a nice post! Have a great weekend.

    Gemma x

  4. You have a great Instagram, with your own image...

  5. Nice recap! Your blog is so unique! :)

    I follow you. Kisses from Croatia,

    What's up, Ivy?

  6. These pictures are so pretty! I love all of them.

  7. Amazing post, so nice and interesting! I love your instagram and your so beautiful photos.
    Have a nice day, darling.
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    New post is here. Visit me, Maleficent

  8. Adorei o post, é maravilhoso.
    BEijos bom final de semana

  9. I agree time goes so quickly! Great post x

    LoneTeenTraveller | Travel Fashion Lifestyle

  10. Lovely recap of October Rae! Happy November!

  11. Beautiful photos.

  12. I love the photos of you, of your artwork, and of the places you visited in your Instagram Round-up! Great pics!
