I just cut my hair short! Now what?!

I consider my natural curly hair as one of my best assets. True enough, it has taken me to situations that made my friends and I's life a lot easier than we've expected, say, looking for each other in a crowd. Well, they see me faster than a lightning because they look for my hair amongst the people.

Now, being a bit MIA on the blog and posting backlogs for the past weeks, you probably can no longer track of how my hair really looks like, with the constant change of hair color and all. But I just want to say that I cut my hair short and bleached it and dyed it pink. Okay, it's not pink now as I am typing this but orange. More or less though, it looks the same with the same hair length.

That said, I wanna experiment with my hair and try out different hair styles. And as I was browsing the web for inspirations, I ended up in this page of short haircuts with wispy bangs and I really want to try some of the ideas (if I plan to get my hair straighten too which is probably not gonna happen). Here are a few of them:

1. Cute Short Hairstyle With Bangs

2. Short Blonde Hairstyles With Bangs

3. Short Bob Hairstyles With Side Swept Bangs

4. Short Hairstyles for Wavy Hair With Bangs

5. Short Hairstyles With Long Bangs

6. Medium Pink Hair With Bangs

+ + + + +
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post but all thoughts are mine.

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  1. I love short hair, mine is really short.

    1. I've never tried getting my hair as short as yours, noelia! i just think that curly hair isn't for that hair cut. hehe. But I really wanna try a pixie cut though!

  2. I'm going to cut mu hair, so you give me the inspiration ♥ Great post dear!

    I follow you :) Hope you'll follow back If you want


  3. I absolutely love the 1st and 6th hairstyle! :)


  4. First hairstyle is the cutes one! :)

  5. lovely hairstyles! :)
    follow you now,
    hope you follow me back <3

  6. Looking forward to see how you have had it cut and styled.

  7. My opinion is ''Better short hair but healthy, than long but damage!''. Your hair is amazing, i like it really so much! Great ideas, so lovely selection, nice hairstyles!
    So interesting post dear!

    Visit my blog, Maleficent

  8. Good for you for having the guts to cut your hair shorter! Your hair color is amazing! :D I'm following your blog now. Thanks for dropping by mine! :)

    1. "cutting my hair shorter own my own". kidding, by my mother. hehehe. Thank yoouuuu so uch, ysh! :)

  9. Thank you for the interesting post! I like hair styles N 1? 5 and 6 )))) Glad to meet you ))) Victoria beauty4fem.blogspot.com

  10. Your hair looks awesome! I also love the 1st hairstyle - it's so cute!

    Belle in Black and White

  11. I like these hairstyles and colors. :)

  12. I think yoy will look really pretty in pink hair! ;)
    Have a nice day ;)

    1. awww thank you! i haven't really tried having a full pink hair

  13. Thanks a lot for the interesting post! Have a nice day)

  14. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  15. OMG, you are so brave wanting to change your hair in that way! I would never cut mine above my shoulders, LOL. By the way, very cute inspirations, I loved the first one in pink with the bangs :)

    Thanks for your comment in my blog,


    1. Hi Amanda! I had a hard time cutting my hair short before... http://www.raellarina.net/2015/06/on-cutting-my-hair-short.html

      like from super long merida-like hair to super short. i got teary eyed haha. But now, i'm fine with it. But I do understand how you feel. :)

  16. This is a cute hair cut, Rae. I know what you mean about naturally curly hair because I've had it all my life! I used to straighten it on those special occasions, but now I've come to appreciate it and let it go. Yes, I think wispy bangs on you would look cute. : )


  17. I love the last style. Stunning. xoxo Cris

  18. Cutting hair off is such a liberating feeling, noh?

    Angelie // What Men Like in Women’s Clothes

    1. mejo nga haha. changing your look is a liberating and nice feeling :)

  19. I had my hair totally purple about a year and a half ago and I LOVED it... it was a lot of work to keep it up, so I went back to my natural color with just a few chunks of purple... I miss the all purple though, it was really cool xox ... I think you need to keep your hair curly Rae, it's you... sometimes straightening it for a little fun here and there is neat but showing off your curly tresses is part of who you are xox

  20. Gorgeous babe. Great post! xx

