Vintage Bedroom Makeovers

Our designated sleeping areas are often over saturated with accentuated modern or minimalistic interior approach. For an upbeat and inspiring room, visual break is essential. Changing the style of your bedroom, especially if you decide to go vintage, might be the thing that will bring your bedroom to life. Rumors are that a vintage transformation is a pretty pricey one, but the truth is that vintage does not necessarily mean expensive. It's charming and quite affordable and, even better, the results always exceed the expectations. 

Any item that is old, and especially if it’s of high quality or the best example of its kind can be considered vintage. Implementing the vintage style in your home is a creative never-ending journey with a lot of room for endless DIY possibilities because, the more you play with shapes and objects that ''don't belong'' the nearer you are to the very heart of vintage. Here are a few ideas on how to transform your bedroom into a vintage wonderland.

An antique travel

To create this amazing design in your bedroom, start by making a few old suitcases work as your nightstands. A worn-out mirror and a pair of golden candelabra are enough decoration for one wall. A new travel map combined with repurposed furniture will bind the old and the new perfectly. If your floor is in need of renovation, check out all the options and try to find the one that looks most vintage. Keep in mind all the things you love about a certain epoch when shopping for accessories that will add a nice finishing touch to your room.

Fish in the sea

If you love the sea, and are a fan of everything maritime, we’ve got a treat for you. To create this special look in your room, you can replace your curtains with sails and thin ropes. Also, an old customized wooden pallet with rusty French lamps on top will work as a perfect night table. You can decorate your walls with old yellowish maps and place a ship in a bottle on the shelf of your patina-kissed library cupboard. Grandparents' attics, garage sales and flea markets are the places where you are most likely to find these remarkable pieces of vintage furniture and accessories.

All the little details

There are usually some real vintage jewels in our own houses. Just look around your home and try to find the things that might work well together. By placing a simple lace doily on your headboard, you’ll completely change the look of your bed. Also, add simple, old pottery, a lot of floral prints and earthly colors throughout the room. Try to buy a vintage jewelry box, add a lot of pillows on your bed and make sure you always have a vase of beautiful fresh flowers on your table. 

Floral delight

The most attention-grabbing element in vintage shops and stores are certainly floral prints. From bed sheets to captivating chandeliers, you can dress your entire bedroom in this amazing design. Suspended lights, natural motifs and soothing colors will make your bedroom very relaxing. Add to that nice, carved pieces of furniture, and place a few porcelain figurines here and there to tie the entire room together.

A good lighting is what truly uncovers the spirit of vintage, no matter the epoch one might prefer. Taking time to assemble an inspiring vintage bedroom means taking time to enjoy a one of a kind journey, where every moment has its charm reflected in an antique interior design. Illuminate your room with sunrays by day and chandeliers and candles during the night.

*This article is a guest post by Diana Smith.

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Author Bio: Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in home décor and latest DIY projects. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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  1. Very interesting post!
    Have a nice day, dear!

  2. Interesting post,dear! Great tips, like it!
    So good and lovely photos!

    Visit me, and follow. See you soon. Maleficent

  3. I love this inspiration, these rooms are great!

  4. Super inspiring post! Love your blog! :)

  5. These are some great ideas for the bedroom, Rae. I love vintage décor. That bed looks so cozy, and the table next to it is charming. I've always wanted a clock like that!

    Happy September days, Rae.

