Instagram Round-Up: July 2017

The smell of fresh cement... i missed. :) It's been months since I last did a site visit without anxiety // Raindrops // Keeping one of my passions burning // Kaartehan (Blogged about the 4 lipsticks I use daily) // Go lang ng go, bes // Work road trips // A close up of a painting I was working on // Installation // 24th (Annual b-day write up)

July is my birthday month that's why this is my favorite month of the year! Apparently, I was sick on the first day of the month and had to cancel plans.

My life with Po-lite is getting busier and busier especially because we finally had our first ever installation! That said, my life this month was basically composed of spending time at our manufacturing plant, at the construction site, and in Resort's World Manila. Add up constant meetings here and there; and so much over time at work. But my social life is still in good phase as I was able to go to I Art Fest Manila and meet up with friends from time to time. My birthday and my brother's birthday were also simply celebrated and I'm extremely grateful in spending our special days with our family.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I finally finished my friend's painting by the end of the month too! At least I got that one out now and  I'm ready to work on a new piece in the coming weeks. I'm not posting any finished painting photos because I don't want to ruin the surprise. :)

Anyway, as busy as I might sound this month, my August is actually a lot busier (we're just in the middle of the month though but a lot has happened already).

6 months now in my new work and counting!! Actually, no. I'm not counting the days. haha. I guess if your heart isn't feeling heavy at work, it doesn't seem like forever because you're actually enjoying work days!

Not so much to tell this month, truth be told, as my life was basically, well, construction life. But that I like!

So how did your July went? I hope yours went well too.

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  1. I like this post! And your blog is also amazing *_*
    I followed you! :D
    I'm new blogger so if you have a time you can take a look at my site!:)

  2. Nice post and beautiful photos!
    Have a lovely day, dear!

  3. Belated birthday greetings! Your month sounds so busy! But the photos are wonderful and it looks as though life is going well!

    1. thanks jeanie! my august is actually so much busier! hehe. i hope your is going well too

  4. I hope you had a lovely birthday! :) xx

    1. i did! i had another bday celebration yesterday and it was really memorable! thanks dear :)

  5. Amazing photos :)
    Zapraszam na nowy post :)

  6. Lovely your blog!

  7. Amei *.* Obrigada pela visita, linda!
    Bom final de semana!! Até mais. Beijinhos ;*

  8. Absolutely amazing pics! I really like it!

  9. Beautiful blog and pictures! I just followed you*

    Daniela Santos Blog | Instagram

  10. These are cool Instagram pictures, Rae. I'm not on Instagram, but have a few friends who are on it. The pictures look artistic and somewhat vintage. The painting picture is pretty, and I like the last one too.

