Watercolor + Spray Paint on Watercolor Paper

This masterpiece is a product of Nippon Pylox Lazer Spray Paint because Nippon gave me one when I attended their event last year! I didn't want the paint to go to waste since I got a #23 Diamond Blue paint and I seriously can't use it on my furniture or on anything around the house to revamp because it's BLUE and it doesn't "fit" in my design aesthetics. Thus, I've decided to put a good use to it and try using it on my art! 

I'm happy with the outcome. :)

This art piece is actually a 2-piece art with a 10" x 7.5" size per paper. I literally just finished working on this tonight so it still has no title. And if you're following me on twitter or on instagram, or on my art blog, you'd probably be aware that this was what I was working on because I was regularly updating on those accounts. :)


"Sayang yung spray paint. Sige na gamitin ko na lang" art.

I'm still gonna play with the spray paint and work on several art practices though. Since this was my first try, it was actually a bit difficult and irritating to paint over the spray paint. The watercolor doesn't stick on it since the watercolor paper has a base layer of spray paint. So I tried wetting the whole paper to see if the watercolor paint will be absorbed by the paper. It helped a bit though but it was still irritating and challenging!

Anyhow, I've managed and I guess it turned out okay as I love it naman! :)


I'm planning on getting this framed though I have no idea where to hang it yet. If somebody out there is interested in getting this, you can email me for the details. :))

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  1. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing :-)

  2. This is stunning Rae! I can't believe this was your first try, it looks so pro! Keep it up. xx

    Yasmin TELLS

    1. thank you so much yasmin! have a great week! :")

  3. Wow amazing. I love drawing <3


  4. Thank a lot! Interesting post!

  5. it looks amazing! it is adorable;) follow;) hope U follow back:)

  6. wow this is so beautiful, honestly!

    Ana C, www.adreamersland.com
