
EMOSH: An Art Collection

EMOSH. /əˈmōSH/. adj. To be emotional, or to have a serious tone about. The word emosh is used in Slang meaning emotional.

Whimsical and ethereal, that's how I would describe my art style. I like using extremes --- extreme happiness and extreme sadness and darkness. My artwork would either simply have bursts of color or would have so much black in it. However, the pieces in this art collection is a little different as they are more into line art, something of which that all started when I was feeling so low and hopeless that I drew and wrote a blog post about it. The said art work would be the very last one in this post which is entitled, "Ayoko na pero di pwede".

Since the idea started from my personal struggle and pain, I just continued the feels and turned all the negatives into a little something something, to let go and just be happy.

A little update: everything's going pretty well with my life now and I'm so grateful about that. I'm grateful about the decision I made =)

Anyway, I have friends who label me as "emosh" or "emo" as I sometimes tend to make hugot from time to time. I have no idea why I am doing it but I like digging deep in my feels. So I just embraced the label and turned it into a line art collection because why not, right?

Enjoy my friends! :))

"Sino Ako?"
Ink on Paper | March 8, 2017

"Hindi Pwede"
Ink on Paper | March 8, 2017

Ink on Paper | March 8, 2017

"Naiiyak Ako"
Ink on Paper | March 8, 2017

"Pagod na ako"
Ink on Paper | March 8, 2017

Ink on Paper | March 8, 2017

"Bakit ba kasi?!"
Ink on Paper | March 8, 2017

"Kapit lang, bes"
Ink on Paper | March 11, 2017

"Ayoko na. Di ko na kaya"
Ink on Paper | March 11, 2017

"Aasa pa ba ako?"
Ink on Paper | March 11, 2017

"Ayoko na pero di pwede."
But it's so dragging already :(
Ink on Paper | Oct. 10, 2016

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  1. Great post...xx, Neha

  2. I like "AAAAAH!"...

    Have a great day,
    Almost Stylish

  3. What lovely pieces of art, thanks for sharing, girlie, and have a great weekend ahead!



    1. thank you so much for appreciating jalisa! :D

  4. Your blog is amazing Hun xxx I follow you will you follow me back please ? Kiss xxx
