The Bingsu Korean Dessert Cafe

"Patbingsu (팥빙수, also written in English as patbingsoo, literally red beans with ice) (with variant spellings including bingsu and bingsoo) is a Korean shaved ice dessert with sweet toppings such as chopped fruit, condensed milk, fruit syrup, and Azuki beans. The snack is highly popular in Korea." {src}

Truth be told, I'm not a big fan of Korean food so I literally had no idea what bingsu was until my friend, Arby, "forced" me to go to this cafe and try out their bingsu (haha. joke lang. he didn't force me, I wanted to try it naman). Anyway, upon entering the cafe, I wasn't ecstatic about their menu but was very overwhelmed with the fascinating interior of the cafe, with the black and white checkered flooring "had me at hello". On my mind I was like, "the place is so beautiful! it's very instagrammable!" (such a millennial thing for me to think). But seriously speaking, the interior is really beautiful. I love how the patterns and textures and colors were played, though I'm not going gaga over those chairs because if i own the place, I would have chosen a much quirkier design.

Anyway, onto the bingsu itself. :)

I ordered the strawberry bingsu and Arby ordered the mango cheese bingsu. Both tasted delicious and both have a distinct taste. The strawberry bingsu has a sour and sweet taste while the mango cheese bingsu is sweet but the cheese made it even tastier. The shaved ice was amazeball because you can eat that alone and still taste heaven, like literally.

The size of the serving is big, so if you're an average eater, I think that "For 1 (single)" size can be shared by two.

The Bingsu Korean Dessert Cafe is satisfying both for the eyes and for the stomach. It's also a perfect place to hang-out with friends or to just have an alone time to catch up with your favorite book, write, blog, or people-watch. Generally, it's a nice place to chill and hang-out!

The Bingsu Korean Dessert Cafe
Ground Floor, The Commerce Center, 1780 Commerce Corner 
Filinvest Avenue, Filinvest City, Muntinlupa City

Opening Hours:
Weekday - 9am to 10pm
Weekend - 9am to 11pm

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  1. Never heard about bingsu before! And that place, so lovely!

  2. Korean places are hard to find here

  3. Lovely cafe, the chairs are pretty. Glad you had a great time, Rae!

    Madame X
    The Flower Duet

  4. Wow, look at this amazing dessert!


  5. I missed bingsu. I must visit this place.
