Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Hellooooooo muggles! or should i say no-maj? haha. I still prefer muggles though. Anyway, heeeeyooo! I watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them last Saturday, a day after it premiered here in the Philippines and this is what I wore! 

Don't worry, you're safe. No spoilers here. :)

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Yes, it was necessary to go overboard and dress appropriately for this even though nobody would really see me in this ensemble. Haha! I mean, I basically bought our tickets online (it was easier yes but it was my first time to buy online so I was saddened by the fact that I didn't acquire any actual ticket for the movie... I'm a paperholic. haha). So our movie was at 8:50pm and we left home at around 7pm so, basically, we just went straight from home to the cinema and then after the movie we traveled back home right away. So yeah, no need to really dress up but I did anyway. hahahaha.

This ballerina is a potterhead you know... :">

Why am I pointing a wand on my face eyes? haha

WEARING: Harry Potter Necklace c/o Personalized Accessories | Skirt c/o Persunmall | Socks from Burlington | Unbranded small shop shoes and cap | Hand-me-down top

I must say, J.K. Rowling is really, really brilliant and I'm so happy that she created another story for me and for everyone to be excited about! :) So if you haven't seen it yet, please do! Especially if you're a potterhead like me, I'm pretty sure you'll love it too!

By the way, if you've already seen Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, who's your favorite character? I love Jacob the most though. So cute and loveable! haha.

P.S. I DIY-ed my wand. hehe. Tutorial very soon :"">

Photos taken by Ernest Jastin
Edits by Rae Abigael

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  1. Rae, I like the printed skirt it looks very pretty... a sweet design. I'm glad you had fun and enjoyed yourself xox

  2. Ahh I want to watch this movie sooo bad! Lovely outfit, fits the ocasion!
    New post over on my blog

  3. I watched it this weekend too! It was great!


  4. I loved Newt and Tina the most. I'm excited for Depp's portrayal in the next movie.

    and they should have kept it muggle. So perfect

    1. I'm also excited for Johnny Depp too and I really can't wait for the next movies :) J.K. Rowling is amazing!

  5. I saw it on Tuesday and I really liked it! :) xx

  6. Awesome movie! You look so pretty*
    Great blog! I'm following you! Follow back? ***

  7. Such an awesome accessory! I still want an Elder Wand from Harry Potter. Can't wait to see this movie!

    Chanel | Je M'appelle Chanel
