The young of the forest is roving in the depths of its mountain

When you love the forest and the mountains and you really want to try mountain climbing but your dad doesn't approve of that activity, this, my friends, is what happens. You dress up (on a daily basis) as if you live deep in the forest near the roots of the mountain and then you edit yourself in an illustration backdrop.

I wore this to work (back when I was still with Dexterton Corporation). And to be honest, I really enjoyed mixing and matching outfits to wear everyday, 6 days a week, to work. Because I need to look presentable each day since they are a really big company and you'll never know when clients are coming in. But now that I'm working in this really cool design firm which is located on the far opposite end from where I live (I travel from North to South), I don't get to dress up that much. 

I'm not a pants person but I tend to wear pants everyday for almost 2 months now since I ride about 4 public vehicles to work (6 rides if my aunt is not around), then 3 public vehicles going home (6 rides if Arby goes home early or is not around), and if we add that up, I ride about 12 public vehicles each day and I spend about 5 hours of my 24 hours on the road. And I have to battle traffic and all the rest of the commuters and shoppers in Baclaran. Not that I'm complaining because I am really happy working at Mondo but my, my, writing this down seems a lot and a sacrifice. Haha. But I'm happy.

Anyway, my marks and scars from mosquito bites are almost gone now so I might start wearing skirts and dresses again to work *wink*.

WEARING: Thrifted Lace Top | Black Skinny Jeans from a small unbranded shop | Boots c/o Rosewholesale

STORY TIME: When I was working in Dexterton, they asked me to "model" for their ad which will be used for the job opening advertisement. Obviously, this wasn't really the shot for that because we were just playing around here so I can have a nice shot for my blog. haha. Apparently, I never saw that ad but I saw it being edited and I've been told that it was printed in a tarp because it was to be used in job fairs but really now, I haven't seen it so I don't believe in all of that. hehe. :"p


At the end of my post, I want to recommend you an amazing online wedding and prom dress store.

  Long Prom Dresses


Photos taken by Angie Cariaso.
Illustration on the cover photo from here.

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  1. Lovely outfit dear!Have a great week! xx

  2. such a cute top
    keep in touch

  3. Rae this is lovely picture of you.... I think one day you'll climb mountains xox

    Wow to 5 hours of traveling per day... I complain about 3 and I like my job too. I'm going to be able to work from home soon ... the sooner the better ♡

    1. Hi Launna! Thank you! I really do hope I'll climb mountains :))
      Well, I think I just have to do what I have to do you know, for my career. hehe. But I dream of working from home soon too, just not now. I hope you'll be able to work from home really soon and I think everything will be so much better if that happens. Good luck! :)

  4. That top is really, really nice on you!

