My first job site visit for Dexterton Stormer Kitchen

On my 3rd week at work, I went to Tagaytay Highlands!!! :)

It was my first job site visit for Dexterton Stormer Kitchen and I surely had a good time! I mean, this is really what I want, spending time at construction sites rather than being locked up in the 4 walls of the office. :")

So this is what we do during job site visits. I work for a modular kitchen and it was a bit shocking for me with the whole process of dealing with modular kitchen because this wasn't taught in school and it's very different from the usual "interior design". Trust me, I was so nervous about everything that was happening around me because I had no idea what's going on. hahaha. But I'm now working for 5 months and I'm still nervous and clueless about certain things but I'm learning a lot and I still have a long way to go. =)

I am being trained by Tin Lucas, a modular kitchen designer / interior designer whom I work with and who also happens to be a schoolmate! We went to the same alma mater which is very nice because we found a common ground and we're now not just officemates but friends. hehe.

Our job as interior designers are more than just the glitz and glamour that most people think because it's more than that. Interior designers are just capable of showcasing the "behind the glitz and glam" in a very sophisticated, glamorous, and fabulous way. Like us in the photos above, all smiles like it wasn't very dusty and hot and we weren't sweating the whole time. But we enjoy this. In fact, I prefer to be sweaty in a construction site rather than being so fresh inside an air-conditioned office. haha!

One of the perks of being an interior designer!~

We went to the balcony and admired the scenery from our client's house and took photos since the workers were installing lights in the kitchen area.

We also seized the opportunity to take photos inside Tagaytay highlands.
Well, I love my job!

We ate lunch at a bulalo house.
Our team that day --- 2 designers (me and ate tin), kuya anthony, and kuya roberto

And more photos inside the bulalo house. :)

My first ever job site visit for Dexterton Stormer Kitchen was super fun and even though I was so tired when I got home and we had to be at the office the following day, it was all worth it.

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  1. Soo lovlz pictures, house is ♥♥

    I am following you, so check my blog and follow me back. :)

  2. I'm sure it's gonna be cool interior hihihi
    Super love on your post

  3. all the best for your job
    Keep in touch

  4. Hey rae! Just found out your blog and it's good! Good luck on your work!<3

    Eka Theresia

  5. I think it must be wonderful that you were able to be on site... I think that's better than being in an office... have a lovely weekend Rae ♡♡

    1. I prefer to be sweaty in construction sites than very fresh in the office. haha. Thank Launna! Have a nice week!~

  6. looks like you had a lot fun
    good luck for your job :)


  7. your job sounds really interesting! and these are lovely photos, looks like you're having fun as well as working! xx

  8. Great! :)


  9. Great photos :)

  10. Wow, absolutely great post, amazing pictures as well, I love to visit this blog, thanks for sharing, you look stunning!!!


  11. wow you are an artist and a genius...good job..

  12. Interior designing can be really fun especially when its your first time doing it. It can be a trial and error process at times but when you get the hang of it it will come naturally

    Modern Living Table

  13. Hi,
    Good work keep it up and Many thanks for sharing this stuffs.

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