My Tips for Decorating a Big Bedroom

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Decorating a big bedroom can be a daunting task. You don’t want it to feel too cluttered and full, but you don’t want it to feel too spacious and cold either. Hopefully, my tips will help you to decorate a big bedroom with no problems! 

Remember Colours and Patterns Can Create Illusions

Using colours and patterns smartly is a quick way to create illusions in any room. If you have a super big bedroom and you want to make it look smaller, you can do that. If you want to make the most of the space, you can do that too. There are so many ways you can use colours and patterns to your advantage! Dark colours can make rooms look smaller, while lighter can make them look larger. However, you can use dark colours without making the room look smaller providing you use it on every surface, including the borders of the room and sometimes even the ceiling. Big patterns will usually enhance a room, while small patterns can shrink it. Decide what you want to do with the room beforehand so you know what kind of colours and patterns you’re looking for. 

Include Big Furniture

Some people get scared to use big furniture in a big room - they think they should use lots of pieces of small furniture to fill up the room. Using big furniture can help you to make the most of the room without making it look cluttered. You might want to look at items to make it look cosier too, to stop the room feeling too big and cold. Lots of cushions, king size latex mattresses, and other pieces can all help to create that effect. 

Don’t Have Big Blank Walls

Having big blank walls will make your room look really boring. Who wants a big, boring bedroom? Choose pieces of art that you love to fill up the wall. You can choose one big piece to fill up a wall, or go for small/medium sized pieces and arrange them to create a sort of feature wall. 


Personalise it

If you share your bedroom with somebody else, don’t be afraid to mix and match things in there so that it suits both of your personalities. You don’t need to have matching furniture. I’ve seen bedrooms that have completely different side tables, but it does work! Go against the grain and you’ll end up with a unique bedroom you both love. Mixing up furniture is one of my favourite things to do

Create a Reading Corner

What could be more relaxing to have in the bedroom than a reading corner? Reading is a brilliant activity before bed, as it helps you to get away from technology and nod off easier. It just looks really nice too! 

Use these tips to decorate your big bedroom and you’ll love the results. If you’re stuck for ideas, take a look at some of my projects or use a site like Pinterest for inspiration. Come back for more soon! :)

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  1. I wish I had a bedroom that big

  2. My daughter has a big room... we need to personalize it more... plus it's too cluttered ... great tips here Rae xox
