SERENDIPITY: Architectural and Interior Design Construction Phase

You're probably aware that I finally graduated and got my BS Interior Design degree a few months ago, and I now have a job. But I still haven't posted my very first interior design project nor my graduation ceremony (backlog queen). So I figured to post it now before I start posting new designs here on my blog. But before I show you the finished design, I'll start with the construction phase of my thesis practicum project.

The University of Santo Tomas' final requirement for the BS Interior Design graduating student is working on a real design project. After passing thesis, the very last requirement is the practicum project. Usually, the student just have to find a client who's willing to let her work on their space, all expenses paid by the said client. The whole interior design project is under a time frame - just one semester (approximately 4 months) to finish everything or else there's no graduation for her. As for my case, however, the architectural structure was also squeezed in in the time frame.

It was very stressful, though less stressful than the thesis study, and I had shed so many tears on this. But I must say, it was a wonderful and fun experience to have a taste of what's in store for me in the real world. I had a very, very complicated client and so many changes happened that I learned how to adjust the design (and also fight for what's right. haha. ---for the proper layout and design that is). And I also learned how to supervise a construction team. The whole experience was fun and I learned so much. I seriously love my University for training me to the extent. :)

I finished on time (alleluia!) and I am very proud to exclaim that I got a grade of flat 1 (wooohooo) for this interior design project! :">

As I have said earlier, I had to do the architectural construction. My client wanted to extend their house and the structure of the bedroom will be built at the back of the house (bodega/ tambakan). I asked my high school friend who also goes to my school, Joy Celine Sandoval, an architecture student of UST, to help me with the plan. And this is what she did. Given that she was just an architecture student and doesn't have her license yet, I consulted my adviser and her husband who's an architect.

The practicum project started on January 2015. And checking would be on the first week of April. The whole month of January was dedicated to the general assembly, site inspection, design phase (working drawings), and as well as to the sourcing of materials. Construction should start by February. I started my interior construction a few weeks before April.

The start of the architectural structure construction of my practicum project started on Feb. 4, 2015.

CHB Walls

Metal Furring on Ceiling

Day 3: Ceiling construction

Day 4: Plastering of Interior Walls

Day 4: Start of flooring installation

Plastering of exterior walls

March 3, 2015: Ceiling Construction

March 9-13, 2015: Electrical works, sanitary works, water system, plumbing installation, and installation of electrical wirings

March 18, 2015: Lighting Installation

March 18, 2015: Installation of Electrical Accessories ( Switches and Outlets)

March 19, 2015: Installation of Interior Wall Bricks

It was nice seeing the wall bricks slowly coming to pieces.

March 19, 2015: Installation of T & B Wall Tiles

March 24, 2015: Window Installation

March 24, 2015: Plastering of Ceiling

March 28, 2015: Making of the Built-in Closet Cabinet

March 29, 2015: Installation of the water closet, lavatory, and shower sliding door

March 30, 2015: Application of concrete sealer and primer

March 31, 2015: Application of concrete sealer and primer

One of the things that excite me is getting down and dirty with my design project. It's one of my favorite things to do! So I think you can tell how happy I am right here. <3

April 2, 2015: Application of Masilya (Putty), Drywall Sanding, & Application of Flat Latex Paint Primer on walls and ceiling

April 2, 2015: Application of wall paint

April 2, 2015: Making of Built-in Closet Cabinet

April 3, 2015: Painting of the wall mural 

I painted my first ever wall mural for my first ever interior design project and I am just so happy about everything. :))

April 4, 2015: Installation of the built-in bookshelves

April 5, 2015: Wall ledge construction

April 9, 2015: Finishing of the built-ins (closet cabinet & ledges)

Varnishing and finishing of the furniture from Iligan City.

For this design project, I used the client's furniture pieces from her hometown which is Iligan City in Mindanao.

Everything was documented for my practicum book so I was able to keep track of everything including the dates and the progress of the project. And this what kept me super busy for the past months. And I am so proud to say that all my hard work paid off as I got a perfect grade for this design project (though I think I could have done more)! My next post would be the revelation of my design (if you haven't seen it yet in my other social media accounts).

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  1. That's so cool! I wish to take interior design in the near future.. hahaha i want it so badly. your work is so good. I can't wait to see the finished look :D :D

    1. I hope you can pursue your interior design dreams too ate em :) anyway, thank youuuu!

  2. OMG, love the colourful bricks, dear! I'm totally impressed with your murals :D

  3. dear Rae, that is a really nice design project! love it, good job :) I'm your newest follower, xoxo <3

  4. Rae, you did an amazing job... that is wonderful... a lot of work xox

  5. Congratulations on your thesis, interior design project, and on graduating with a B.S. (Bachelorette of Science?) Degree in Interior Design! It's impressive that you learned the practical field applications like construction team supervision and design adjustment as well. Considering all you were achieving, it's amazing that you managed as many posts as you have - looking at my own lack of posts in the last three months (and only two this year) while my backlog of purchased blouses and full briefs grows, I may be deserving of some kind of backlog title myself. At least you're out there making things happen. Well done you!

    my Blog | my YouTube | my Twitter

    1. Thank youuuuuuuuuu! :") I hope you'll also be able to lessen your backlogs! hehe. Have a great day! :"D

  6. Looks really cool, congratulations on graduating =) Following you now <3

    Et Omnia Vanitas

  7. great post!

  8. This post is something really different. I didn't know that you are involved in the down and dirty of interior designing and that's really cool that you love it. Excellent project!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

    1. Thank you Jo! :) Honestly, this is my favorite part in the process of designing interiors. This is what I enjoy the most! :)) hehe. Thanks so much again Jo! ;)

  9. I am also BS Interior Design student and I was looking for this info. I feel good to read that you finally graduated as well as got your "BS Interior Design Degree" a few months ago.
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