How I Landed my First Job (After Graduation) in Just A Few Days + What I wore

Dreaming (and/or daydreaming) is not enough. But it helps. My first ever job interview (excluding that one job interview at the start of my 4th year in college) and I was hired right away! How did I get hired after just a few days of sending in my application? I don't know. Everything seems surreal. I don't even believe in myself (bad statement to say for this blog post). I am nervous but I'm also very excited to start working with the title of "Junior Interior Designer" at Dexterton

I will try to recall the details of how I got here because everything is just surreal I swear.
But cue fireworks now.

I graduated last May 27 (will blog about that soon) but I didn't look for a job immediately. I don't want to work yet because I wanted to relax and just live in the moment that I am so over school --- that I freakin' passed thesis and I survived college.  I slept and slept and slept, and I went out of town, places to places in a span of a month. It was fun. I decided to start applying on the second week of July but I wasn't able to do that because I still had to finalize my portfolio and resume. I want everything to be organized that once I sent out application emails and I get a reply, my resume and portfolio are very ready (hard copy). And then I got sick on the 3rd week of July and I wasn't able to do anything. Although I really fixed and finalized my folio and resume when I felt a little better during that week, but I was still sick. On the 4th week, I was better and no longer sick so I was able to send out application emails. I sent one to Dexterton on the 24th of July and I had a call a day after that to send my portfolio. I turned 22 on the 29th. My brother turned 16 on the 30th and I got a text message from Dexterton to call them regarding the schedule of my job interview! And it was set on August 4, Tues. I had 3 days to prepare. I prepared on the day before my interview (typical me. haha). I prepared my outfit and practiced answering some common interview questions.

The interview was surprisingly fun. I'm not letting all the flattery and blandishment (maybe?) get into my head...

Am I a morning person? No. I'm a night owl and how I wish I'm a sleepless elite. I stayed up late to practice my answers but I wasn't able to use any of them during the interview. Because oh my gosh, the interview was more like a formality and the Vice President (VP) just wanted to meet me because apparently, my resume and portfolio did everything for me. :) yay!

I'm not publicly gonna go in the details of my interview (though I'll write everything in my diary) but I will share some words and statements from the VP which I will never forget because he pulled my self-esteem waaaaay up:

1. Your grades are high. That's good.

2. You're very talented and skilled.

3. I have nothing else to say to you because I'm quite impressed with your background and works. Everything will just be honed if you work for us.

4. If you say no to us, you will not have a hard time finding a job. I'm sure you'll be hired immediately. That's why I wanted to set the interview right away.

5. You're starting salary is *toooot*. I can't give you higher than that yet (but it's already high because it's above minimum wage. haha) because you're a fresh graduate but if we see that your works are okay and you're doing well, I'll give you promotions.

6. You're very talented and skilled. (He said this quite a few times I'm starting to believe in my capabilities now.)

7. I'm not sure if you have other plans like you want to work abroad  in the future or whatever. I have no problem with that but I hope you can stay with us longer.

8. You're not going to be an assistant to the interior designer because you'll also have your clients. She'll have a client and you'll have yours. But you'll start working with small projects muna

That's just about it I guess. I can't recover from numbers 2, 3, and 4 the whole time because they kept on playing in my head while the interview was in progress. hahaha. I was seriously nervous at first, from the elevator to filling up my info on the bio data, to entering the Vice President's office. But the interview was really fun because it wasn't like the panel interview I experienced in my aforementioned interview at the beginning of this blog entry. My very first job interview was really like a formality, briefing me with what I need to know about the job. It actually felt like the company was convincing me to accept the job. Truth be told, I was expecting something opposite. I never expected job interviews to be like this. Also, Sir VP was even, "you'll be learning while earning". And then he was even telling me that the job would be like one of the first steps in my "adulthood". Also, he told me that this will be an adjustment period for me... I have to adjust because the working environment is very different from school. He's really very nice. :)

I'll start working on Aug.17, Monday, as to what I have set. I called them the next day. I was hired but the decision of working in their company was really up to me. Instead of me waiting for the company's call, it was them waiting for my call. hehe.

I'm still nervous and a bit scared but I'm hella excited!

I guess that in order for you to land a job fast, you really have to love what you're about to do. I'm a fresh graduate and I didn't expect that job hunting can be this fast. A good resume and a good portfolio (if your field requires you) is definitely a high factor in landing a job.

WEARING: Hand-me-down white blazer | Dress from Gaisano Mall in Iligan City, Mindanao | Flat Sandals (similar here) c/o of H2Ocean from Zalora PH

And this is what I wore to my interview. I wanted to be confident so I put together an ensemble that's very me and my style as a designer. I don't want to wear something I don't like just because it has to be smart casual. So I wore this and I was happy. My smart casual outfit compliments my works and I guess I'm also on my way on branding myself as a designer. During the interview, I was asked, "any more questions?" and one of the questions I asked was "Do you allow colored hair? Colored po as in blue, green, pink?" And he answered, "I don't see any problem with that. I think the colors that you'd like to use in your hair are the colors you use in your works". hahaha. Yep, the interview was really fun.

My parents told me that I can't say no to my first job opportunity. And I have a feeling that my work at Dexterton would be so fun! *fingers crossed. :"">

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  1. nice!

  2. Congratulations Rae... this is wonderful... I am sure you will learn so much and have fun too xox ♡

  3. Congrats Rae! You worked so hard for everything so you definitely deserve this!
    I hope you have lots of fun in your new job :D

    1. Awww thank you so much Annabelle! I hope so too! (~_^)

  4. beautiful outfit and congrats on the job

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