An I LOVE YOU from the Olympic Figure Skater

I wanted him to write 'Keep on dancing ballet' (or something like that), but instead, he wrote "I love you".

Ladies and gents, yes, you read my first statement right. I really did want him to write "Keep on dancing ballet" or something close to that because I wanted to display and showcase this autographed photo of the First Filipino Olympic figure skater in my future ballet school. But he freakin' wrote I LOVE YOU instead. :"> Not that I'm complaining though. hahaha. But I am kinikilig. Because you know the story of our 2nd meeting? lol. My fangirling stories are funny and overwhelming in so many ways that I'm such a fangirl to the extreme! By the way, the photo was a bit crushed (sadly) because my bag was so small and I commuted with my fellow fangirls on our way home. I was squeezed in like a sardines in a can in the LRT! huhu. Albeit it was hot, masikip, and I was bathing in my sweat all throughout, the ride was still enjoyable and fun!

Anyhow, I want to start this month with a little happiness in my heart so I finally published this here on the blog and declare my kiligness and fangirling self over Michael Christian Martinez. :)

Happy August everyone!

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  1. OMG, guess you're in seventh heaven, my dear! xoxo

  2. Wow, I can imagine you are really happy!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  3. Hehe, even though I haven't had anything signed from someone I look up to before, I could imagine your level of excitement! :)

    becky ♡ star violet

  4. so sweet!!!!!!!!!
