Wishlist: Blazers for the working girl

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 

Hey all! Here is another wishlist post since I just recently cleaned and fixed my closet and I realized that I don't have a lot of korean style blazers, petite blazers, nor just blazers alone. And I seriously need to consider buying blazers from now on since I'll be working soon (though I haven't started applying yet. still working on my portfolio). So, I put up this wishlist post featuring Cheap Women Blazers from Tidebuy

Blazers are very versatile now-a-days especially because there are so many styles, colors, and interesting cuts to choose from. Blazers are very stylish now and it's one piece (aside from accessories) which can make your "boring" office outfit into an interesting one. In fact, a blazer could actually be a statement piece! You can pair it up with a plain, solid-colored dress, or pair it up with a top, slacks, and heels, or pair it up with shorts, jersey, and sneakers, or even pair it up with your dance clothes! Amazingly versatile.

So if you're interested with the blazers because you're also a working girl or you're just really in love with the blazers, you can visit here and shop 'til you're heart drops: http://www.tidebuy.com/c/Blazers-100569/

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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Tidebuy. I was compensated to write this article but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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  1. These are some pretty blazers! I really like no.6 - I think I have a thing for capes haha.
    Also good luck on the job hunt when you get to it! I hope it goes well for you :)

  2. these are all so lovely - i especially like the fourth one, it's got an almost military style to it x
    natasha // eyebrows, inc.

  3. The blazer number 5 looks so great! Perfect!
