Photo Diary: Tagaytay Overnight Roadtrip

December of 2014 before the end of the year and after our Iligan City Trip (I have yet to blog about it. I have a very messy blog as of the moment), my mom, along with my grandma, and my aunt & his husband went on an overnight trip in Tagaytay City. I've been in and out of Tagaytay for xxx number of times already but this was a different trip.

*WARNING: Heavy load of photos after the cut*

Our original plan on the last weekend of the year was a Pampanga trip. But I don't know what happened with the sudden change of plan, thus, I am wearing shorts. I expressed that this was a different Tagaytay trip because this was my first Tagaytay trip after my cousin's passing. And it was hard because it was just 3 months after. And we had built so many memories in Tagaytay. Upon seeing the places where we used to hang out, I was teary-eyed. And it was just so sweet of him to appear in my dream that very night and he hugged me so tight. He knew I was sad. He's so sweet and I really miss him.

So anyway, this post is a photo diary (more like a photo dump of touristy photos) of our overnight trip!

Our first stop was the Pink Sisters.

We then went to Crosswinds Tagaytay and we obviously took loads and loads of photos. We can't help it, the view looks incredible! It's beautiful! Remember when I posted this and this?

We then ate lunch at a Bulalohan next to our hotel. I will do a separate post on this :)

We stayed at Rivera Hotel. It was my first time to stay at a hotel in Tagaytay because we usually stay at my relatives' vacation house in Country Homes 2.

"Rae 101" hahaha. okay, i just got giddy with our room number because I loved watching Zoey 101 years ago.

It would be nice to dip in the pool but what the heck no. It was December and we were in the mountains so no one dared to swim, NO ONE I tell you.

So we relaxed and rested at our hotel a bit then we went to Sky Ranch.

Then we went to Caleruega.

Cool accidental photo. :">
I love this shot.

After Caleruega, we went back to the Hotel, ate dinner, and spent the night relaxing and sleeping.

My breakfast before leaving Tagaytay. I was actually kinda disappointed because there's no rice! What is breakfast without rice? {hehe}

I apologize for the huge number of photos. I wanted to create 2-parts or so for this post but adventure but I'm already loaded up with so many backlogs so I squeezed everything in in this blog post. So if you're still here reading, thank you for taking the time! I really do appreciate. :))

Also, I hope you didn't get bored nor irritated with my face. I told you it was a touristy kind of photos.

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  1. Ahhh I just want to jump into these pictures with you!

    Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird

  2. nice pictures of your trip

  3. Love your smile :)

  4. I've never been to this side of Tagaytay yet. There's more to see. Tagaytay is a place we can be really proud of. :)

    1. Hello Lux! I agree with you. Tagaytay is really a place we can be proud of, with the weather, the tourist spots, the amazing food, and pretty much, everything about it! :)) I hope we both can explore tagaytay more. :3

  5. Rae, you look like you had a lovely time in Tagaytay ! It's making me miss Philippines more, while I was scrolling through. Btw, I recently nominated you with the "Versatil Blogger Award," check it out here (:


    1. Hi! Yes, I did enjoy exploring Tagaytay because this trip was a bit different from my previous trips. I got to visit places I've never been before.:)

      aaww I'm sorry for making you miss the Philippines more. Where are you now by the way?

      And thanks for the nomination! (:

  6. You have such hectic hair! Looks like you had a great time!
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination
    Btw check out my sweet Lightbox Giveaway if you haven’t already!
