My puffy morning eyelids

Hello all, I was very sick yesterday but I am feeling much better now. So I'm trying to comply with some of my neglected "must finish asap" works including my design portfolio. I'm trying to finish my folio tonight (but it seems impossible now. however, i only have a few more pages to go so today was a bit productive) and I want to publish this outfit post before I go to sleep. Actually, I was just asleep yesterday and today, the whole day. I'm keeping this short because I need to rest. Hopefully, tomorrow I'm no longer sick.

So anyway, this is what I wore during our Tagaytay overnight road trip. My outfit for the next day of that trip was posted a few months ago and here was my outfit.

WEARING: Long sleeves from the states | shorts from Iligan City | beannie from SM Dept. Store | shoes from kicks

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  1. Rae... I hope you are feeling much better... it's not good to have to work on anything while you are sick :-(

  2. Hi Rae, I'm not sure I submitted my last comment :-).... I just wanted to tell you that I hope you are feeling better soon... it doesn't feel good to work on anything when you are ill...♡

  3. What a cute outfit!
    Please post some pictures of your portfolio once it's done! I'm sure it looks lovely.

    1. Hi annabelle! thank you! and sure! of course i'll post some pictures of my portfolio. if not here on the blog then on twitter maybe :D

  4. I love your striped top you look so cute, Thank you for the response in my blog and I followed you already no #974 hope you follow back soon:)


  5. get well soon baby :) libe ur outfit!

  6. Good to know you're feeling better.
