Disappeared into the night

Versatility --- an understatement to describe my current mood, feelings, and style. Is being versatile beautiful? I don't know. It kind of mess things up a bit. I guess that's the process of finding who you really are. And in terms of clothing, you want to try this and that which is not bad but if you're a newbie designer and you're branding yourself in the industry, i think that's not a good thing. It's not a bad thing yet it's not a good thing. It's somewhere in between.

WEARING: Little black dress c/o coco fashion | shoes from Landmark | retro style fox ring c/o sammy dress | clutch from my grandma's closet

Left: A photo with my brothers | Right: Me doing the readings for the mass

I wore this lovely little black dress last year during my Aunt and Uncle's 25th wedding anniversary! Now I really miss my long hair! :"< Anyway, this little black dress does magic! I look very elegant and classy and pairing it up with this lady gaga-like shoes (as I've been told) made the whole look playful, youthful, and fabulous. It was beautiful witnessing a couple renew their vows after 25 years! It's so sweet and wonderful! :)

Why is the little black dress a classic?
Black Swan - Black Cat

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  1. Followed you dear x

  2. You look gorgeous in this dress! It's such a cute piece :)

    xo Azu


  3. Stunning,you look so chic
    Love the wedges

  4. Gosh, you look absolutely charming in the pix!

  5. Wow, you look like queen of the evening! Gorgeous outfit!

    1. awwww Viktoriya, you are very sweet. thank you so much! :D

  6. Your shoes are to die for! Perfect for your black dress! I'm inlove with your photos. Btw, would you like for us to follow each other? Let me know. Follow me so I can follow you back right away. Keep in touch!

    Much love,
    -Eva Marie

  7. You look amazing Rae! The dress really suits you :)

  8. oh your shoooooes! love emm
    you look gorg too x
    natasha // eyebrows, inc.

  9. Being versatile is beautiful!:D You look beautiful in your dress.

    ❤ Charms | à la Charms

  10. Black is a classic. You'll never go wrong with it. :)

  11. Rae, you look so wonderful in this sweet black dress... the shoes are pretty cool xox ♡

  12. Amazing outfit! And such a nice event, 25 years of marriage! Your shoes are amazing, Gaga or not! I liked your hair too, but now you said it's short? Well, hair grows :) I want to have mine cut, but never have the courage!

  13. I love your dress and your shoes are awesome!
    would you like to follow each other on gfc? If you follow me,
    I will follow you back after it. Thank you! ^^
