My Ballet Manila Audition: A photo diary

And here is part 2 of the blog post series of my "epic" Ballet Manila audition! So after talking about what was going on inside my head, I now present to you a more visual entry --- a photo diary of my ballet manila audition!

*heavy load of photos under the cut.

{photos from my friend, Jenalyn Santelices}

I highly suggest that you read part 1 in order for you to truly digest everything and for you to be on the same boat as I am. :))

Told you almost everyone was wearing black / dark-colored leotard! And me wearing a bright blue leo seems like a wrong move. :-\

"You have to be strong to be a professional ballet dancer... And to be different means you may even have to be stronger." Unfortunately, I wasn't able to push myself even more and I wasn't able to make myself stronger in this audition.

I didn't make it into the "repertoire study" so I was able to watch the rest of the audition with my friend Jen. Here she is whom you only know by name in Part 1 who cut class with me for this audition. Thank you so much Jen for bringing me to Aliw Theater because I don't know how to commute and also for supporting my ballet dreams. hehe :")

Was trying to take a photo of this ballerina (who seemed so perfect for the job) whom I also mentioned in Part 1. To be honest, I was seriously mesmerized with her because she looks so much like my idol ballerina ever since I was a kid, Janina Marie David. I swear she looks so much like her! But ate Nina is slimmer like me. :-) But they are both amazing!!!

I was able to take videos of the repertoire study. Will not post them online though because auditions are supposed to be private so I'm keeping them to myself for future references. hehe. :"p

One thing I regretted from the audition is that, I should have waited for them to be finished doing their job in order for me to get my photo taken with Ms, Lisa Macuja-Elizalde. Sad story but yes, I don't have a picture with the legendary ballerina. :"<

New Acquaintances! I cannot even remember their names (huhu) but these girls are the nicest!

I dream of being like Ms. Lisa Macuja-Elizalde who followed her ballet dreams and now living in her dreams. She's so inspiring!

And now let me take you to my Lisa Macuja's journey...

I'm hoping you guys could tell what I'm doing...

And I dream of having my own ballet school...

I wish to study ballet in Russia too!

Oh well! This audition is close enough. I got the Russian experience anyhow!~

Showing off my audition number.

I never even had a ballet dance partner before. huhu :"( 

This glass silhouette deserves to be uhm, "respected" so I took another photo because just check-out the cover photo of this entry. mehehehe. :3

The last time I was at Aliw Theater was in high school when I first saw Ms. Lisa Macuja-Elizalde dance. :")

This audition was so fun and memorable even if I failed! hahaha. I swear I'm so glad I pushed through with it. This is just the beginning of my ballet journey. :->

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  1. Rae, I don't think it was a waste... the waste would have been you not trying and wondering... who knows, maybe you are meant to have a school... you have such a love for ballet, you could pass that onto other little girls... then who knows, you might be meant to dance on stage... I hope you keep trying, don't give up on your dream... you are very inspiring xox

    1. awww. such sweet words. thank you very much Launna! Will never give up. :-)
      and yes you're right, the waste would have been the "what ifs" so no regrets really, even if i didn't pass. haha :)) have a great week!~

  2. Nice! :) Keep doing what you love.

  3. Wonderful photos and story! I can see you had fun from your face!


  4. Thanks for sharing your experience. I've always been fascinated with ballet and the rigorous training the dancers undergo :)

  5. Wow. Amazing experience. Thanks for sharing.

    Eye See Euphoria |

  6. cool, I want to take ballet

  7. you are one talented young lady
    and I know that some time in the future you
    will be one with the GREATS.

    Ms. Kei

    1. awww. this is really sweet! thank you very much! :D

  8. Cool post dear!


  9. Great event, beautiful pictures!

  10. Congrats on your recent audition. I love this post as I love to see young girls have a hobby they are passionate about. I started dance at the age of 3yrs old and then started studying classic ballet at the age of 10yrs old. I attended the Long Island Dance Academy, then minored in ballet at Dartmouth College and during my summers off did summer sessions at Julliard here in NYC. Though this is a hobby, I wish you all the best. I would love to see video of you on point. (new post)

  11. It had to be excited experience to you!

  12. Lovely pictures!!
    And next time you make an audition you can take profit of this experience :))


  13. Amazing post! Good luck for the next audition!

  14. Such beautiful photos! :)
