Raellarina's 2014 OOTDs

Happy New Year dreamers!!! I would first like to thank all those who have commented in my last post for the year 2014. My post was a bit lengthy as I summarized my year there and I am just grateful how I got a lot of heart-touching comments. Wow, thank you! I just can't believe that there are those who really read my blog. hehe. I seriously do appreciate all your sweet words.

Anyway, this is my first post for this year --- a compilation of my "outfit of the day" for the whole year which I was able to document.

If I were to compare my style in the past years, I must say, I have emerged into a simpler version of me. Or perhaps because I was so busy with thesis and all the things I'm doing that I haven't got time to really dress-up? But it's so surprising how I managed to document 32 outfits this year despite my, you know, thesis. haha.

I still can't identify my style but I'm getting there; I guess. I wasn't able to post my 2013 outfit compilation so I'm posting it at the end of this entry. My 2012 can be found here though. 

Anyway, do you also have a 2014 Outfit collection or OOTDs? Leave your link in the comment below. I would like to see them! :)

Again, Happy New Year everyone! May 2015 be so much better than 2014~

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  1. Of course we read your blog Rae .. I am so glad that you can relax a little now that you have completed your thesis...

    My style is ever changing... I have a certain style because I am curvy but I still change it up regularly ... with color and what not... but it is much simpler than when I was younger... xox <3
