My Tchaikovsky Vinyl Record

To go back in time where a vinyl record is the only means of playing music rather than ipad, youtube, spotify and more whatever you call what now which I have no idea anymore because I am so engaged and in love with cassette tapes, cds, and vinyl records. Although I still don't have my own vinyl record turntable, I bought my first ever vinyl record!!! *happy dance* This is actually very special because I made sure that my first vinyl record is something close to my heart. So when I saw this Tchaikovsky record for sale on etsy, I bought it right away before it's too late. :-)

I bought this last April (i think), and it arrived sometime in May (proof on the 2nd photo from the top). It would be so lovely if I can play it now and dance around my room (or around the house) with my pointes on! I need a dance therapy or something especially because thesis is stressing me out and also, I want to write about something very dear and personal but I'm still not ready and I'm a bit scared that if I do the blog post, I might be sad again. In time, I shall. 

Anyway, I bought this vinyl record at SSNE10 and it was such a bargain! The shop also offers cool clothes and other rad retrostuff so if you're into vintage, i think you better check them out. I'm planning to buy another vinyl record, to be honest. hehe. And I'm not being sponsored to promote them. It's just that, I love the shop a lot and I thought you would too. ^^)

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  1. great post

  2. I loved reading how you feel about old music appreciation; and well, luckily I inherited my grandmother's record player but does not work :P ..great sentimental value will be if you get a turntable to imagine your future grandchildren hehe :)

    1. i tried looking for a turntable here at home but unfortunately, we don't have one anymore. Our VHS player and our cassette player were thrown out too. sad reality. too bad your grandmother's record player is not working, i bet it would be wonderful if it works. I was wondering if you still have it with you? haha :)

  3. It's been forever since I've seen a record in person. We used to have a record player when I was very little.

  4. Vinyls are not that appreciated by today's generation, but it's nice to see a young girl like you to express your love for them and other vintage things. Keep it up!

    Life With Antlers // A Personal Blog

  5. Dancing is my therapy too, usually alone .
    New post on my blog , do drop in <3

    1. dancing is really a great form of self expression :))

  6. I hope you get to dance to relax... a thesis is definitely stressful, you have to have a little fun sometimes :)

    I used to have a massive vinyl collection, then I moved into an apartment and the box got left next to the heater and they were all destroyed..I was very disappointed... now all my music is on my phone :)

    Have a great weekend Rae :)

    1. awwww. what a waste of good music, and a great vinyl collection :( have a greet week too Launna!:)

  7. Vintage pictures are just gorgeous. These are great things to acquire.

  8. Vinyl record! I always wanted one (more than one!), I hope you find a lovely record player too!

    1. thank you ellie! hope to have more than one soon and i wish to buy a record player by next year. hihi :)

  9. aww I really love!

  10. Ooh lucky! You know it's my dream to have a collection of this too and to play them while reading a good book. :)

    Style Reader
