Life Lately: May-June 2014

Summer Rain! :"> I just looooove summer rain, and the rain in general. :)

Unmade bed. I love the look of unmade beds truth be told and so, my bed is always unmade. :-)

I made a video of my feet! Ballerina's feet --- yay!~ Unfortunately, I still haven't published the video on youtube though I have already edited it and it's more than ready.

Original photo from Jayson Pineda

Performed ballet in front of the Michael Christian Martinez and got hug. I also met new friends!

Stayed up really late at night doing nothing but reading books or watching classic films in my bed. Lazy days. heh~

Tried using canvass panel and poster colors in painting. It turned out okay I guess.

I got featured at Puella Aeterna! Basically, this summarizes my summer aside from the required summer class which is a preparation for my thesis.

I've been doodling and sketching.

Awake at around 6 in the morning and seeing the sun slowly shining inside my room. I am not a morning person so this is a wonderful thing. :)

Brotherly love <3 Dinner with my favorite boys in the world!~

Spa day with mommy! <3 We went to this salon-spa which was managed by my mommy's friend who also happened to be the mom of my high school classmate. haha :) It was really nice to "waste" time in there and pamper yourself. :-)

Watched The Fault in Our Stars with my David Archuleta friends. Watched it on the day after it was released on the Philippine cinemas. We went grocery shopping for food on the ground floor before we went up to the cinema and watched the movie. We were among those who were first in line but it doesn't really matter because we already have tickets. hahaha. Anyway, I shed buckets and buckets of tears (literally). The book was better though but the movie was still amazing. And I repeat, the book is more beautiful I swear. MAS MAGANDA TALAGA YUNG BOOK KESA SA MOVIE in tagalog. :")

Mcdo BFF Bundles for dinner after watching The Fault in Our Stars. :"-)

We had a photoshoot for Amore Baile then the officers had lunch together after. Will blog about the shoot really soon.

Thesis stuff. Good luck to me.

So that's about it. My almost one month of summer break is all about being lazy and catching up with myself. By the end of June I got hit by the thought that I should continue working on my thesis before school opens up in July. Apparently, my batch is so lucky that the adjustment for the opening of the school year (at least for the big 4 that is) happened this year so instead of not having a summer break, we got a month! Other students got 3 months though. haha.

This post should have been published last month but I just finished editing these photos and I really must publish this because I want you all to know about my the TFIOS experience and as well as all the summer laziness i did. heh.~ Seriously time to get serious with my works to be done.

Happy August dreamers! :"-)

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  1. Replies
    1. it's not because of laziness but because it really looks special that way. right? hihi :D

  2. Love the art Rae! Keep it up! I love your clock! "A Vintage Affair" looks interesting...
    Cute pic with the sibling!


  3. Go you! I feel like you've gotten a lot accomplished. I tend to set goals for myself and then not accomplish them at all, so all this looks like a heck of a lot to me. XD

    yeah, I can identify with the canvas thing. I find that, above all else, I still prefer good old pencil on canvas. Everything else kind of goes funny for me.


  4. i love your painting <3

  5. I haven't seen that movie yet

  6. What a fantastic time you've been having, speaking from the pictures! :-)

    Have a great week,

  7. There is just something so inviting about unmade beds, isn't there? I've been spending a lot of time doodling too, but I just lost my favourite pen so I'm gutted!

  8. cute post

  9. The spa day looked like lots of fun.. and I love unmade beds too :-)

  10. Looks like you've had a packed month! My sister went to see TFIOS and she cried so so much bless her haha. Hope you had a lovely relaxing time at the spa :)

    Hannah xo | hannatalks

  11. Your photos are cute! I love your drawings! ^^

  12. Great collection of photos. That's an amazing painting. Summer rain sure is nice. I am definitely not a morning person either. I struggle so much getting up for work.

  13. love all the pics!

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  14. Hi!
    I did the TMi TAG & I chose you as
    one of the people who should answer this TAG.

    Ms. Kei

  15. Such nice things! Loved the ballet pic! :)


  16. You watched TFIOS! :O I haven't seen it yet, but honestly, hindi ako naiyak sa libro. OMG I must be heartless. :(((
