Liveloud Concert 2014

This is definitely a super backlog post. :-/ This magical, heart-warming, and life-changing concert happened last June 7, 2014 at the Philippine Sports Arena. I went to the the Liveloud Concert 2014 with my fellow YFC-UST and it was just so magical to be in a room filled with 8,000+ YFC/CFC members around the Philippines (or was there from other places around the globe?)! This was my second time to attend their annual (i think) concert.. my first was two years ago.

The YFC-UST went to the venue together and moments like this are the best! We rented 2 jeepneys. I honestly don't know everybody in that jeep but at the end of the day, I had new friends. :)) 

Hello Clark-yyyy! hahaha :3
photo grabbed from Clark.

The concert started with a mass. :)

We all bought the Silver Ticket para sama-sama kami. =)

I got home at around 1am? Thank you so much Juno sa pagsabay sakin umuwi!
Unfortunately, I can no longer express my feelings and thoughts during the Liveloud Concert because one month has passed. I seriously need to learn how to blog properly. :( Perhaps after my college graduation. haha! But one thing's for sure though. The Liveloud Concert 2014 was such an amazing experience! I cried during one worship song. I couldn't hold the sadness, hatred (?), and all the negative feelings I keep inside my heart anymore and I just had to let it go. That was good. 

I love you Lord. I will forever worship you. :">

P.S. All photos are grabbed from Tenten (Teneessee Mengullo)

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  1. it must be so much fun
    keep in touch,

  2. Wow!I have attended a youth fest before but not as grand as this one. Looks like you had so much funnn! :)


  3. that's amazing! doesn't matter if you blogged 1 month later. awesome that you shared how God really met with you during worship. thanks for sharing :)

  4. I haven't been in a concert in a while. Enjoy your time!
    Enara's Things

  5. Wow looks amazing! So fun!

  6. glad you went to such a great concert! huge crowd! :)

    Metallic Paws
