In the Middle of the Valley was a Glittering Blue Lake

Seeing the stars at night makes my heart leap. Seeing the moon makes me happy. Apparently, the heavenly body whispers to me and gives me hope more than a normal human being is capable of doing. I feel so blessed and hopeful that I, in all possible ways, am capable of reaching my dreams. With that said, I may take a break from blogging (but not totally) and I might blog only once or twice a week in order to concentrate on my thesis.

WEARING: dress from Canada | Small shop white top | Raellacraft headwrap and necklace | socks from Japan | J.Jill Shoes

School starts next week! I still have tons of backlogs (boohoo) and I have no idea how to manage that including school, thesis, dance, art, YFC responsibilities... but whatever. God is good, I'll make them happen through His help. I just have to prioritize to graduate on time. :)

By the way, this outfit is kind of a dream huh? Seriously love love love this ensemble! <3 So perfect for a day to stroll at the park and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Anyway, I was at a triple celebration (party) last Sunday with the "prince of ice *ahem* and i forgot to bring my camera (T____T) so I have to rely on other people's photos again for that. hahaha. Good thing I have so many friends including the "official photographer". :"> So once the photos are up, I will blog about the party as soon as I can! gaaah! i seriously can't keep my emotions anymore. haha. be excited! hihi~

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  1. you do look lovely...and the outfit is indeed the necklace with the star!
    take as much time as you need, thesis can be pretty time consuming!

  2. The dress and outfit are cute... you look sweet :)

    Good luck with school, I feel for you, I will be working and taking two courses and being a mama... it will be all about balance and organization

    1. Thank you so much Launna! Good luck to us and I hope you'll enjoy being a mama :))) Have a blessed week! :))

  3. the outfit has a vintage feel to it and i love it
    all the best with your backlog sweets
    keep in touch,

  4. Love the flats with socks look. I'm usually not quite sure how to pull it off!

    1. hehe. i just have an obsession with socks, truth be told. :)))

  5. Cute blue dress ;)
    I nominated you for an award on my blog

    Have a blessed day!

    1. thank you so much for nominating me and my blog M! :)) Have a blessed day as well ^^)

  6. Cute outfit and you should definately concentrate on your thesis. Good luck.

  7. Dear, I found your blog randomly and I’d like to say it’s fabulous! Your dress is so lovely!)

    will be happy if you'll find a minute to see my blog!

  8. That's an adorable dress, looks great on you! Sounds like you'll be swamped with a whole lot of things, good luck with them all!

  9. you look so pretty in blue dress :)

  10. lovely dress rae! :))
