Pastel Houses

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Pastel Houses? I think they are the loveliest houses in the world even if they don't have the most amazing architecture ever. The pastel color itself made them pretty and lovely.

Aside from dreaming of living in a cottage-like house near the beach, I've also been dreaming of living in a pastel house... from the exterior features up to the interiors, pastels, pastels, pastels! I think that pastel houses are relaxing and calming, and also very girly that's why I love staring at them. I haven't seen personally a village filled with pastel houses and I am not sure if something like that exists here in my country. But hopefully, when I am travelling around the world in the near future, I'll be able to find one. :"3

P.S. Dance photos very soon! Actually, I'm just waiting for the photos to be uploaded by the official photographer-slash-my friend. :) Oh my gosh! I can't wait to tell you guys all about it. It's something like The balladeer meets the ballerina kind of performance. hihi. But if you are so curious about this whole thing and you can't wait, you can watch my performance video here.

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  1. RaeAbigael, I love pastel colored houses too because they are girly and unique. Very pretty.. have a really great day ♡

  2. All those pastel spring colours of the houses in entire neighborhoods have a very pleasing look. What a tease about your soon to be uploaded dance photos! I don't think I can wait so I'm watching the Romeo and Juliet Ballet on YouTube. I didn't realize you had a YouTube channel! I just added it to your links in my new post at

  3. there's a street in Charleston, SC like that called rainbow road

    1. SERIOUSLY?! wow. I definitely need to include the rainbow road in Charleston,SC in my places to visit bucket list! haha. thanks for the info adam! =)

  4. I adore brightly colored row houses as well. <3 There are tons of them in Notting Hill (in London) where I think a few of these photos are from!

    1. amazing! now you made me want to visit and love London even more. hehe :) thanks Sarah! :3

  5. I want to live in a pastel house, how cute and adorable.
    I watched your performance, you dance beautifully Rae.

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

    1. thank you so much Gems! :)) have a happy and fun week! :)

  6. Barangay Kikay. Haha. <3 I want my house to have an observatory. :3

    1. how i wish these barangays exist in our country. haha! anyway, that's cool! ako ipa-design mo sa dream house mo girl! hehe :))

  7. For me is really beautiful.....especially at the sea!!!! Kisses (and thank you for your visit),

  8. I LOVE the pastel pink house. I wish I could paint the outside of my apartment a rainbow of pastel colours.

  9. I just LOVE pastel houses!
    It makes me think of Copenhagen and I adore this City.
    I also do some streetstyle in one of favorite streets in Paris where There is Pastel Houses... <3


  10. Wow! So sweet houses))
    I began in 5))
