Six easy steps for a safe online shopping

Everyone loves to shop online, but nobody wants to be a victim of cyber criminals. Fortunately, 
there are a few easy rules which can help you to stay safe from becoming a victim of online 
shopping fraud and save a lot of money.

As great the pleasure of having everything delivered in front of your door maybe the awakening 
once you realize you’ve become a victim of online shopping fraud is harder. Six simple steps 
will help you to buy items safe online. According to a recent global consumer study, every third 
online shopper has experienced fraud during the past five years. 

Six easy steps will help you to buy fashion items in a safe way: 

1. Use a private WIFI and your personal computer to purchase online. It is very 
common going to a Coffee shop and connect to the internet, but the public WIFI is 
quite dangerous. It is easy for others, using the same WIFI, to get access to your 
personal details, like pin number, ID, etc. 

2. Check reviews before shopping. Many online shoppers give feedback about their 
experiences on online review platforms like Review platforms 
are really useful for the consumers nowadays, you can read and write reviews for 

3. Check terms and conditions. Do not buy any fashion item that you cannot return in 
case if it does not fit or if the quality is not as you thought. Online retailers have to 
give you the opportunity to return your order as easy as possible. 

4. Too good to be real. No company offer huge promotions, free giveaways 
or large discounts. Be aware of such nice looking offers because usually they are not 
as good for you as they seem to be. 

5. Check out the website. Take a look at the URL before purchasing, make sure that the 
page where you are buying has not changed during you are surfing. 

6. Check out your bank account after every purchase. Ask your bank to inform you 
about all the transactions in your account. If you only look at it once a month, 
your bank account is not safe enough. In case anything happens related to online 
shopping fraud you will notice it immediately and you can solve the problem easy.

Buying online is fast, convenient and sometimes cheaper than buying offline. Through shopping 
online you can get great discounts and you have access to purchase in any part of the world. 

Enjoy shopping online! 

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  1. Thanks for sharing this sis :) this is very helpful ♥

  2. These are all excellent advice. I've never used WiFi but if I ever do I'll remember the tip. I had no idea. I guess I'm lucky that my bad online shopping experiences have been limited. I have considered buying some fashions that I have seen other fashionistas blogging about in their outfit posts and they are from all over the world. Thanks for including the link at the end.

  3. Thank you for sharing the information. The trend of online shopping has been increased a lot for everyone and especially for women to buy luxurious items.

    I would like to tell that I recently came across a site on internet named consign of the times who is providing various types of online services of luxury items like bags, shoes, clothing etc. for safe online shopping.

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