My Last Tutu (for now)

Hello everyone! Finally! Our finals is over and it’s helloooooosem break! :) So much stress was felt and sleep was deprived from me as usual. But I’ve been sleeping unlike before, where I go to school without sleep at all! The only thing that I have to worry about is my grades. :/ Anyway, here is an old photo of myself from a  ballet pictorial (*cries). I think that this tutu is my last tutu before stopping my lessons for college. The last costumes where not tutu. I’m actually confused now if we were strawberries or apples in the Four Seasons recital. I strongly believe that we were apples but utterly mistaken as strawberries. I’m not sure but it’s something like that. Haha.

The stress in school is making me miss ballet even more. I really want to dance in the mirrored hall again with my leotard, tights and pointe shoes. The blisters and wounds my feet get is actually bearable and I find them beautiful. I miss them actually. I want blood to get out of my skin in my feet again. Seriously, I miss dancing ballet. I really can’t wait to go back again. I MISS BALLET SO BADLY THAT IT ACTUALLY HURTS. :”(

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  1. Great photo!!! Like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Cute tutu. Have a nice time. Can we follow each other? Let me know
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  3. You look so sweet in that photo!
    And good like with time management and grades I know how tough sometimes it can be!
    Your chance to win a dress of your own choice! (International Giveaway!)

  4. Aw wow, looks amazing, you do ballet? Thats wonderful hun, do you have to stop lessons?

  5. wah .. I miss ballet :)
    You look so stunning jie on this picture ~
