Photo Diary: February-July 2013

RIP favorite fan from Japan :( // Watched Step Up 3 for the nth time and fell in love with Moose again // Stuffed toy friends who sleep with me // my hair under the sun

Doing crafts and just being creative // Gummy bears I munched during movie marathons// Borrowed a shirt and returned it with a note attached. I love leaving notes anytime, and anywhere.// Cavite Vacation at my grandma's house// Tried cross-stitch for the first time

Printed photos// A photo with this gigantic minion at MOA// Currently reading Mockingjay// Watched Marie Antoinette while sketching// Joined ComAch and became a Junior Officer// Mr. and Ms. YFC-UST 2013

My first ever cross-stitch piece // A painting for Ate Vina

What my bed looks like every time I do crafts, paint, etc. Actually, this is a lot cleaner. haha! Normally, I have more stuff on the bed and on the floor!

Trying this mask at the backstage of the pageant. :))

Finally met my giveaway winner, reader and fellow blogger Sie Cajilig of Pastel Rave! It was so nice meeting you! I hope you loved your prices and hope to bond with you soon! 

Also,thanks for the art piece you gave me! you're so sweet! :"")

Treasures. Old black and white, and sepia photos I found while rummaging at the cabinets of our ancestral house. :))


It’s been so long since I posted a photo diary entry! And these photos were just lying in my desktop folders and blog drafts waiting to be published. I guess I have to do it now before they welcome more photos to the family! Hahaha. Also, I want to show you all some snap shots of my life so hope you enjoyed! :))

 Have a great week dreamers!


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  1. Ah so cute!


  2. these photos are so lovely! seems like you've had a very busy and chilled few months

  3. wonderful photo diary:)

    please visit me and my Instagram:)

  4. Really cute photos showing how productive you were! :)

    Style Reader
