Hello Portfolio

After so many decades months, I'm finally done with my online design portfolio! But the Interior Design part is not yet finished because I'm just about to take an AUTOCAD class next month and it will probably eat up the saturdays of my summer! But hey no pain no gain! It's for my future. hehe.

Anyhow, I hope you can take some of your time off to visit my site!! I know I'm not yet the kind of artist and designer whom people would look up to and whom people would pay just so they can have my paintings up on their walls, but when people ask me to, I etch them in my heart and they become special to me.

Lastly, I'm currently working with a lot of girl paintings / girl creatures and I'll soon reveal them and I hope you'll buy them so you can give them your love! hihi :""3

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  1. This is so cute dear :) I love the theme coz it's simple :) It's great that you can make your own website. Wish you luck :)

    1. thanks so much dear!! I want to keep it as minimal as possible. :))

  2. Wonderful!! Good luck, my dear! :D Kisses!

  3. Hey Rae!!!
    COngratz for d website!! you hav put in a lot of efforts!!
    Following you now on GFC... hope you would do d same... :)

  4. I've checked your site, really nice

    1. thank you so much for checking it!! Have a great week dear! ^^)

  5. wow congrats!! that's sooooo exciting xx

  6. I think you did an awesome job, not to mention the cool pinky design, so girly and refreshing. And I think that you have the motivation to do anything, keep on drawing and you'll be the one everybody will look up to :)

  7. wow this is amazing it looks so difficult im happy ur following ur dreams!!!! :)best wishes!!!!
